China hits back against Trump’s tariffs – Go Health Pro

China hits back against Trump’s tariffs – Go Health Pro

This article is an on-site version of our FirstFT newsletter. Subscribers can sign up to our Asia, Europe/Africa or Americas edition to get the newsletter delivered every weekday morning. Explore all of our newsletters here Good morning. In today’s newsletter: China retaliates against Trump’s tariffs Microsoft poaches DeepMind staff behind AI podcast feature Bangladesh rewrites … Read more

Warum eine unbefristete Abschiebungshaft unzulässig ist – Verfassungsblog – Go Health Pro

Warum eine unbefristete Abschiebungshaft unzulässig ist – Verfassungsblog – Go Health Pro

Vor mehr als 35 Jahren wurde ich in der mündlichen Prüfung des ersten Staatsexamens gefragt, ob die lebenslange Freiheitsstrafe verfassungskonform ist. Glücklicherweise kannte ich das Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts vom 21. Juni 1977, in dem festgestellt wurde, dass es „zu den Voraussetzungen eines menschenwürdigen Strafvollzugs gehört, daß dem zu lebenslanger Freiheitsstrafe Verurteilten grundsätzlich eine Chance verbleibt, … Read more

Discover the World of Comedy with These Must-Read Books – Go Health Pro

Discover the World of Comedy with These Must-Read Books – Go Health Pro

Laughter is the best medicine, and what better way to tickle your funny bone than diving into books that explore the world of comedy? This article sheds light on some of the best books about being funny, offering insights into their content, ratings, and what readers have to say about them. Inside Comedy: The Soul, … Read more

Developers Overlook Telecom Network APIs, Reveals Survey – Go Health Pro

Developers Overlook Telecom Network APIs, Reveals Survey – Go Health Pro

A survey of 400 developers across key global markets by STL Partners highlights a significant disconnect between software developers and telecom network capabilities, with 55% not associating the term “network APIs” with telecom services. The survey reveals a need for better education regarding network APIs. The findings indicate that while developers often link network APIs … Read more

ECtHR finds imposition of Russian citizenship in Crimea a breach of article 8 ECHR – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

ECtHR finds imposition of Russian citizenship in Crimea a breach of article 8 ECHR – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

A. Introduction

The term ‘passportisation’ refers to the practice of extending nationality to substantial numbers of individuals beyond the boundary of the state, including by forcible imposition of nationality.  At an international level, two effects – each potentially an aim of value to the state extending its nationality –  are the erosion of the territorial sovereignty of the state of residence by the new ability of the state of nationality to intervene to protect those possessing its nationality, conformably with article 51 of the UN Charter, and reduced scope for the individual to seek international protection as against a state of his or her nationality.  In the post-Soviet period passportisation been much practised by the Russian Federation, in Georgia, Ukraine, and elsewhere.  On 18 June 2024 Dr Gaiane Nuridzhanian provided a helpful account of recent decisions touching on it, including in the context of human rights.  Since then the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights has decided an interstate case concerning Russian activities concerning Crimea, Ukraine v Russia (Re Crimea) appns 20958/14 and 38334/18) [2024] ECHR 569, which within its wider decision sets out significant findings regarding passportisation.

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