Google reveals Gemini AI use by more than 40 state-sponsored APTs – Go Health Pro

Google reveals Gemini AI use by more than 40 state-sponsored APTs – Go Health Pro

Google’s Threat Intelligence Group (GTIG) revealed the use of Google’s Gemini AI tools by more than 40 state-sponsored advanced persistent threat actors (APTs) from Iran, China, North Korea, Russia and at least 16 other countries. Threat actors used the Gemini large language model (LLM) to support activities in every phase of the attack life cycle, … Read more

Für eine evidenzbasierte, rationale Kriminalpolitik – Verfassungsblog – Go Health Pro

Die aktuelle gesellschaftliche Debatte über Taten wie die Tötung zweier Menschen und Verletzung zweier weiterer Menschen in Aschaffenburg ist verständlicherweise emotional aufgeladen. Jedes Mitgefühl für die Opfer und ihre Angehörigen ist nachvollziehbar und wird von uns geteilt. Als Strafrechtswissenschaftler:innen sehen wir uns verpflichtet, darauf hinzuweisen, dass die Debatte aber darüber hinaus von populistischen Instrumentalisierungen und … Read more

“환각 줄이고 정확도 최대 78% 올려”··· ‘지식 그래프’로 AI 성능 높이는 기업들 – Go Health Pro

“환각 줄이고 정확도 최대 78% 올려”··· ‘지식 그래프’로 AI 성능 높이는 기업들 – Go Health Pro

LLM은 비정형 데이터 학습에 뛰어나다. 하지만 기업이 보유한 중요한 정보는 관계형 데이터베이스, 스프레드시트, 기타 정형 데이터에 저장돼 있어 쉽게 활용되지 않는다. 대기업들은 오래 전부터 데이터 간의 관계를 더 잘 이해하기 위해 지식 그래프를 사용해왔다. 문제는 지식 그래프를 구축하고 유지하는 일은 쉽지 않다는 점이다. 개발자, 데이터 엔지니어, 그리고 데이터의 의미를 정확히 이해하는 전문가들의 지속적인 노력이 필요하기 … Read more

State Farm Seeking Interim 22% Rate Hike for Homeowners in Wake of LA Wildfires – Go Health Pro

State Farm Seeking Interim 22% Rate Hike for Homeowners in Wake of LA Wildfires – Go Health Pro

State Farm General said on Monday it is asking the California Department of Insurance to immediately approve interim rate increases, including 22% average for homeowners. The carrier, the state’s top homeowners insurer, is partly blaming the devastating Los Angeles wildfires for the request. “As of February 1st, State Farm General (Fire only) has received more … Read more

Why would Greenlanders take a deal from Trump that gives them less than they already have? – Go Health Pro

Why would Greenlanders take a deal from Trump that gives them less than they already have? – Go Health Pro

Any deal between Donald Trump and Greenland would either result in Greenlanders receiving less than they get from Denmark or the US paying more for what it already has, writes Ulrik Pram Gad. As a Danish researcher, I have spent almost two decades in academia working on Greenland’s role in Arctic security. Before that, I … Read more
