On 8 December 2024, Venezuelan authorities detained Argentine military police officer Nahuel Agustín Gallo after he entered the country from Colombia. According to Argentina’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Gallo first travelled by car to Chile, then by plane to Bogotá, and finally by taxi to the Venezuelan border in order to reunite with his Venezuelan partner and their two-year-old child. On 27 December, the Venezuelan Public Ministry, led by Attorney-General Tarek William Saab, announced criminal charges against Gallo for alleged terrorist activities, accusing him of concealing a ‘criminal plan’ under the guise of a family visit. Argentina’s Foreign Minister Gerardo Werthein dismissed these accusations, calling the detention arbitrary and insisting that Gallo’s sole purpose was to spend time with his family.
Policing the Police – Go Health Pro
„Ihren Namen und Ausweis brauche ich gleich. Sie haben das gesprochene Wort mit aufgenommen. Das ist nicht öffentlich,“ sagt ein Polizeibeamter zu einer Passantin. Diese filmt gerade eine Auseinandersetzung zwischen zwei Beamten und drei jungen Menschen am Münchener Hauptbahnhof. Kurz darauf bekommt die angesprochene Passantin einen Strafbefehl: Sie habe sich gemäß § 201 Abs. 1 … Read more