Hidden flaws exist in millions of RSA digital certificates – Go Health Pro

Hidden flaws exist in millions of RSA digital certificates – Go Health Pro

Millions of the cryptographic digital certificates that secure internet communications and software updates have serious flaws that can be exploited, a presentation at the Keyfactor Tech Days conference in Miami last week demonstrated.”You stand up a web server, your customers come to you, a little lock pops up,” Keyfactor Chief Security Officer Chris Hickman told … Read more

Tenants represented by Brown, Goldstein & Levy won the right to proceed as a class action against Westminster Management to recover illegal late fees. – Go Health Pro

Tenants represented by Brown, Goldstein & Levy won the right to proceed as a class action against Westminster Management to recover illegal late fees. – Go Health Pro

Tenants who challenged Westminster Management’s illegal fees related to the late payment of rent have won a court ruling that they and thousands of other Westminster tenants could recover the illegal fees in a class action. On March 11, the Circuit Court for Baltimore City certified as a class action a lawsuit against Westminster Management, … Read more

칼럼 | 보험 기업인 우리가 ‘기술 회사처럼 생각’하고자 하는 이유 – Go Health Pro

칼럼 | 보험 기업인 우리가 ‘기술 회사처럼 생각’하고자 하는 이유 – Go Health Pro

오늘날의 비즈니스 환경에서 성공하기 위해서는 목표에 맞춰 기술과 문화적 기반을 조정해야 한다. 그리고 이를 위해서는 근본적인 질문을 물어야 한다. ‘당신의 비즈니스가 왜 존재하는가?‘ 이 질문에 답을 구하는 과정에서 혁신을 운영에 통합하고 장기적인 성공을 거두는 방법을 알아갈 수 있다. 브라운 앤 브라운에서는 기술이 비즈니스 성과 측면에서 어떤 가치를 창출하는 지를 명료화하는 데 끈질기게 집중한다. 이 부분에 … Read more

State Farm, Consumer Group Battle Ahead of Calif. Insurance Commissioner Decision – Go Health Pro

State Farm, Consumer Group Battle Ahead of Calif. Insurance Commissioner Decision – Go Health Pro

Ahead of a decision from California’s insurance commissioner on a State Farm General request for emergency rate increases, company executives and representatives of a consumer group pled their opposing cases in letters to Commissioner Ricardo Lara. News outlets in California reported earlier this week that Commissioner Lara is leaning toward a solution that would have … Read more

Chromecast chaos – 2nd gen devices go belly-up as Google struggles to fix certificate issue – Go Health Pro

Chromecast chaos – 2nd gen devices go belly-up as Google struggles to fix certificate issue – Go Health Pro

Has your old Chromecast suddenly developed a problem? You’re not alone it seems. Many users of second-generation Chromecast and Chromecast Audio streaming devices have discovered that their beloved dongles have gone belly-up and are showing error messages such as: “Untrusted device: [name] couldn’t be verified. This could be caused by outdated firmware.” And what has … Read more
