1. Call for Papers: Intricate Interplay of Investment Law and Intellectual Property in India. The University of Mysore, Mysore, Karnataka, India, has announced a call for papers and an invite for scholars, academicians, practitioners, researchers, and students to participate in the upcoming International Webinar on the Intricate Interplay of Investment Law and Intellectual Property in India. The event is on 14 December 2024, 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM, held virtually. They invite original research papers, case studies, and policy analyses on the following themes: Jurisdictional Challenges in Investment Arbitration, Review of Domestic Court Decisions by Arbitral Tribunals, Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) and IP Compliance, Interpretation of IP Laws by Investment Tribunals, Balancing Investor Rights with State Sovereignty, Impact of Cultural Context on IP Regulation, Landmark Cases in IPR and Investment Law, The Role of Domestic Legal Frameworks in IPR, Harmonizing International Investment and IP Laws, and Future Trends in Investment and Intellectual Property Disputes. Register through the Registration Form. For further information, visit the official University of Mysore webpage or contact Mr. Sayed Qudrat Hashimy, Coordinator, Department of Studies in Law, University of Mysore, at sayedqudrathashimy {at} law.uni-mysore.ac(.)in .
2. Call for Submissions: Workshop on Gender and Sexuality in International Criminal Law and Refugee Law. International criminal law (ICL) and International Refugee Law (IRL) serve distinct purposes and operate through separate mechanisms. ICL focuses on accountability, prosecuting individuals for serious crimes like genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity through courts and tribunals, aiming to deliver justice and deter future atrocities. Refugee law, in contrast, is humanitarian, focused on protecting individuals fleeing persecution by granting access to asylum. Despite these differences, the two fields share some challenges, can impact one another, and often interact. In the Workshop on Gender and Sexuality in International Criminal Law and Refugee Law, which will be held on 11 April 2025 at Tilburg University, the organisers seek contributions exploring gender and sexuality specifically, as underrepresented themes, to generate interdisciplinary insights and strengthen collaboration between the wider fields of ICL and IRL. Submissions should be submitted to Gezy Schuurmans: g.schuurmans {at} tilburguniverisity(.)edu, by 31 January 2025. See here for further information.
3. Litigating the Energy Charter Treaty Webinar. The International Law Association Irish Branch is hosting a webinar, ‘Litigating the Energy Charter Treaty’, on Monday 9 December 2024 at 10am GMT. The discussion will be on climate change policies and investor-state dispute settlement under the Energy Charter Treaty, legal options for states to exit the treaty, and on compensating fossil fuel investors. More information and a QR code through which to register can be found on this flyer. Registration is also possible here.
4. European and International Human Rights Standards in Conflicts and Disasters Course. The Second Edition of the Intensive Course ‘European and International Human Rights Standards in Conflicts and Disasters’ will take place at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, from 7 – 11 July 2025. Applications are now open, with deadlines on 10 April 2025 (1st round) and 5 June 2025 (2nd round). The Course, organized in the framework of a Jean Monnet Chair, will focus on the role of human rights in the prevention and response to natural and technological disasters, and armed conflicts, with a view to promoting a more human rights-sensitive approach to humanitarian assistance in these settings. The Course is intended for graduate and postgraduate students, research fellows and other academics, as well as practitioners working in humanitarian assistance or for national and international organizations, NGOs and other actors active in this field. More information on the Course and the application procedure can be found here.
5. Call for Papers: Young Scholars’ Conference: Time & Justice – Temporal Interrogations into Social-Ecological Justice. DFG Humanities Centre for Advanced Studies “Futures of Sustainability” based at the University of Hamburg is hosting the Young Scholars’ Conference: “Time & Justice. Temporal Interrogations into Social-Ecological Justice” from 8 – 10 October 2025 in Hamburg, Germany. This interdisciplinary conference aims to create an enriching platform for young scholars, including doctoral students and postdocs, fostering dialogue around key issues in environmental justice, particularly in relation to temporality and social-ecological sustainability. Participants are invited to submit an abstract (max. 500 words) and a short biography by 15 February 2025 to zukuenfte.der.nachhaltigkeit@
6. Call for Papers: The Law and Policy of the EU External Environmental Action – How Green is the EU Green Deal? The Green Deal marked a crucial moment in the EU’s environmental policy, affecting not only its internal strategies, but also reshaping the Union’s external environmental action. Perceived as a global environmental leader, the EU is a key actor in the promotion of the UN’s climate goals, including the Paris Agreement. Its ambitions appear to collide, however, with the practicalities of its legal framework and policy implementation while also raising questions of equity and justice. Please join us to critically explore these and other issues at an international expert seminar, taking place at Radboud University on 12 – 13 June 2025, featuring keynotes from Heleen de Coninck, Christina Eckes and Nicolas de Sadeleer. Submission of draft papers is invited from academics and practitioners on one of our three sub-themes, 1) constitutional perspectives on the EU’s external role, 2) the EU’s credentials as a global green actor, and/or 3) case studies on the implementation of EU environmental standards and norms in partner countries through critical perspectives. More information can be found here.