Netherlands Institute of Human Rights Summer School; University of Singapore Vacancies; CfP Extension Ocean Governance; Early Career Research Exchange Series; ESIL Calls for Papers – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

1. Netherlands Institute of Human Rights International Human Rights Summer School. The Netherlands Institute of Human Rights (SIM) will be holding its annual summer school ‘International Human Rights Law: An Introduction’ again from 7 – 11 July 2025. Find more information about the summer school here.

2. University of Singapore Post-Doctoral Vacancies. The Centre for International Law at the National University of Singapore (NUS) is accepting applications for four Post-Doctoral positions.  The initial appointment is for one year with the possibility of extension to a second year based on the work accomplished during the first year. Applications are open to prospective fellows with research projects in all areas of International Law as well as other areas of public law with direct links to international law. More information about the positions is available here.

3. Call for Papers Extension: Advancing Ocean Governance for a Sustainable Future Conference. The deadline for abstract submissions for the conference Advancing Ocean Governance for a Sustainable Future: The Role of International Law” has been extended to 10 March 2025 (midnight IST).  The conference is scheduled for 28 – 29 March 2025, at Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar, India.

4. International Law Reading Group at the University of Edinburgh: Early Career Research Exchange Series. The International Law Reading Group at the University of Edinburgh is inviting postgraduate students and early career researchers from any area of international law to submit an abstract of their research or ongoing project, whether completed or in progress, for presentation as part of their Early Career Research Exchange series.  Each session will last one hour and take place either online or in person at the University of Edinburgh Law School. Presenters will have 30–45 minutes to share their research, followed by a Q&A and discussion. Sessions will conclude with a 30-minute networking opportunity over catered tea and coffee. To apply, submit an abstract of approximately 300 words, up to five key terms describing your research area, and a brief note on the status of the relevant work (e.g., completed, in progress, or published outcomes).  Applications should be sent to ILRG {at}

5. Two Calls for Papers: ESIL Interest Group Workshop. ESIL has issued two call for papers as follows: (1) The first call for papers is for the Pre-Conference Workshop of the ESIL Interest Group on International Human Rights Law on ‘The Reconstruction of Victimhood in International Human Rights Law’; and (2) The second is a call for papers for the Pre-Conference Workshop of the ESIL Interest Group on International Environmental Law on ‘Reconstructing International Environmental Law Through Adjudication’. All the calls for papers for ESIL Interest Group workshops at the 2025 ESIL Annual Conference in Berlin are published here.  They encourage all scholars, practitioners and activists to submit an abstract to be part of the discussion in Berlin this September. For submission guidelines, deadlines, and procedures, check the calls themselves. Abstracts and inquiries can be sent to esilighumanrightslaw {at} gmail(.)com and environment.esil {at} gmail(.)com respectively, and/or to o.spijkers {at} luc.leidenuniv(.)nl

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