Última hora de la guerra de Rusia y Ucrania, en directo | Rusia confirma que debate con EE UU cómo retomar el pacto de exportación de cereales por el mar Negro | Internacional – Go Health Pro

Última hora de la guerra de Rusia y Ucrania, en directo | Rusia confirma que debate con EE UU cómo retomar el pacto de exportación de cereales por el mar Negro | Internacional – Go Health Pro

La UE reitera el apoyo a la integridad territorial de Ucrania mientras EE UU y Rusia negocian en Arabia Saudí La UE ha vuelto a reafirmar este lunes su apoyo inquebrantable a Ucrania y a su integridad territorial y ha rechazado la cesión de territorios ucranios a Moscú como moneda de cambio en unas negociaciones … Read more

Parisians back ‘garden roads’ project in record low turnout – Go Health Pro

Parisians back ‘garden roads’ project in record low turnout – Go Health Pro

Rue Ferdinand Flocon, a pedestrianized streets in Paris, France, March 21, 2025. ABDUL SABOOR / REUTERS Residents of Paris have backed a project to pedestrianize and create green spaces on hundreds of roads in the French capital in a consultative vote marked by a record-low turnout, according to results published on Monday, March 24. Some … Read more

Devil in the details of the Hutchison-BlackRock Panama ports deal – Go Health Pro

Devil in the details of the Hutchison-BlackRock Panama ports deal – Go Health Pro

A sale by Hong Kong-based CK Hutchison of its overseas ports, including two in Panama, to a BlackRock consortium continues to stir debate as to its eventual outcome. China has expressed unhappiness, suggesting the deal would hurt national interest, while CK Hutchison has said the transaction is purely commercial. In a two-part special, we speak … Read more

The Three Step Process To Investing A Lot Of Money Wisely – Go Health Pro

The Three Step Process To Investing A Lot Of Money Wisely – Go Health Pro

Let’s say you’ve come into a large sum of money—perhaps $1 million or more from stock grants, a bonus, or the sale of a home. Congratulations! After accounting for taxes, the real challenge is deciding how to invest it. Given the significant amount, the last thing you want to do is lose a portion of … Read more
