- Follow frameworks such as CIS, NIST, and ISO 27001: These frameworks are available to offer a blueprint for enhancing cybersecurity posture.
- Select a security framework: Select one that aligns with the organization’s objectives, operational needs, and risk environment to serve as the foundation of a resilience strategy.
- Conduct a business impact analysis: A BIA helps teams assess the potential impact of cyber incidents and prioritize protection efforts based on the criticality of assets and processes.
- Develop a comprehensive asset management procedure: With a procedure in place, it’s easier to identify, categorize, and protect hardware, software, data, and systems.
- Implement a risk register: The register gets used to document and evaluate risks, allowing for a systematic, proactive approach to mitigating vulnerabilities and addressing evolving threats.
By integrating these steps—selecting a tailored framework, conducting a BIA, managing assets, and maintaining a risk register— teams can create a solid foundation for cyber resilience. These measures strengthen an organization’s security posture, and also enhance its ability to adapt to, withstand, and recover from both known and unforeseen cyber challengesEstablished frameworks offer invaluable guidance in building resilience. For example, the NIST Cybersecurity Framework lets security pros identify, protect, detect, respond, and recover from incidents. Similarly, the CIS Controls present actionable steps for securing systems and data, while ISO 27001 delivers a comprehensive methodology for managing information security.These frameworks serve as blueprints for resilience, but their true value lies in customization. Every organization faces unique challenges and aligning a framework to specific needs ensures that resources are deployed where they will have the greatest impact. Rather than viewing compliance as the ultimate goal, organizations should treat these frameworks as tools for building a security-first mindset.True resilience extends beyond technologies and strategies. It’s a mindset, a holistic commitment to security that evolves with the threat landscape. By identifying risks, analyzing potential impacts, and aligning efforts with tailored frameworks, organizations can move beyond the traditional focus on mitigation. They can instead embrace a proactive approach that ensures not only survival but long-term success.In a world where cyber threats are constant and increasingly sophisticated, resilience shows us the path forward. Organizations of every size should adopt this state of mind. Today there are tools and technologies that let every company reach optimal cyber resilience regardless to its size and resources.Building resilience today lays the groundwork for thriving in the digital age, where organizations must view cybersecurity as a flexible and evolving competitive advantage, as opposed to a constant challenge and cost center.David Primor, founder and CEO, Cynomi SC Media Perspectives columns are written by a trusted community of SC Media cybersecurity subject matter experts. Each contribution has a goal of bringing a unique voice to important cybersecurity topics. Content strives to be of the highest quality, objective and non-commercial.