Cooperation To Expand Security Solutions For OT And ICS – Technologist

OT and industrial control systems in manufacturing sites are often operated in closed environments, with IT and OT systems separated from each other. However, the emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) and digital transformation (DX) is enabling convergence between these two domains.

As a result, cyberattacks targeting manufacturing sites in industries such as semiconductors and automobiles have increased, leading to production disruptions and highlighting the growing need for more robust security measures in factories.

Mitsubishi Electric and TXOne Networks have signed a long-term cooperation agreement covering technology development and marketing, aiming at expanding the operational-technology (OT) security businesses of both companies.

The collaboration aims to create innovative new value in OT security by combining Mitsubishi Electric’s assessment, maintenance and operation services as well as control equipment and systems with TXOne’s OT security products.

The new OT security solutions are expected to improve manufacturing productivity, efficiency and safety as well as security levels throughout the supply chains of various industries.

“We look forward to creating new value in OT security by combining OT technology and expertise for manufacturing, infrastructure and building automation with security technology for information systems,” said Kunihiko Kaga, Mitsubishi Electric’s representative executive officer and industry and mobility business area owner.

“With the continued evolution of DX and the increasing sophistication and complexity of cyberattacks, OT security measures must extend from the information communication layer to the control communication layer and deeper into the network layer.” Kunihiko Kaga

“We are confident that our synergy with TXOne’s OT network segmentation and defence technologies will enable us to contribute to greater safety and security in OT environments and the world beyond,” he continued.

Dr. Terence Liu, CEO of TXOne Networks, concurs adding that the collaboration between Mitsubishi Electric and TXOne Networks creates a unique value with our deep-rooted expertise in both IT and OT, forming comprehensive and holistic security services to safeguard manufacturing assets against the ever-evolving cyber risks at once.”

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