Clive Robinson •
March 13, 2025 1:11 PM
RIP Mark Klein,
Even though he’d been “retired” for a couple of decades he was still a bit of a youngster.
What he testified to went back to 2002, but it’s interesting to see that he was effectively ignored by the US MSM he approached untill after the EFF got involved.
And sadly this appears to be true for many whistleblowers, unless they have a large set of “3rd Eyes” on their side, they are in effect easily dismissed by the MSM.
Mark understood that society as we knew it was based in a large part on “Privacy” and that society could not function as the majority would wish unless Privacy was a guaranteed right.
I look around society today 20 years later where we now know the only privacy we have is that which we can not just create for ourselves but enforce against all others.
Is society better today for the fact we know we have no privacy, or worse, a lot worse?
Having lived through it from well before the Ronnie “Ray Gun” era and the fall of the Wall over a decade later (a piece of which sits in my garden) I can tell you I don’t see society as better at all (In the UK it is very definitely a lot worse under the current incumbents).
I would like to say that we had made Mark Klein proud by achieving the Privacy he wanted and the rule of law for the common person in the US and many other nations.
We sadly can not but we can say that we are still “fighting the fight” and that “we shall continue to do so”.
Because at the end of the day, ask yourself an honest question and think of what you would honestly say in answer if you could do so freely without repercussion,
“Do you want your children and grand children living in a society where there is no privacy to survive and thrive as equal individuals?”