HARRISBURG, Pa. (November 22) – The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) announced today that grant funding opportunities are available to fund stream habitat improvement projects in York and Lancaster Counties.
Funding for the grant program is being provided by two sources, the Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station and the Muddy Run Pumped Storage Project. In accordance with their respective Water Quality Certifications, PFBC receives a combined total of $150,000 annually to fund projects such as dam removals, stream habitat improvement projects, and agricultural pasture and barnyard best management practices.
No single project will receive more than $75,000 in funding. Applicants are encouraged to secure matching funds in the form of grants from other institutions, cash, in-kind labor, equipment, materials and supplies.
To be eligible, projects must be in York or Lancaster counties and be a habitat improvement or a sediment reduction project. Projects may include stream improvement, agricultural best management practices, and small dam removal projects.
Project applicants must meet the eligibility criteria and must use the application form specified in the grant application package, which is available on the PFBC website (Fishandboat.com).
Project applications must be postmarked no later than January 24, 2025.
This round of projects is expected to be announced in May 2025.
For more information about applying for this grant program, contact Dave Dippold, PFBC Division of Habitat Management by sending an email to: [email protected].