Kaiser Permanente is among the founding contributors to the Rose Community Foundation’s new Colorado Safe Futures Fund. The Colorado Safe Futures Fund will support public health approaches to reducing firearm-related harm across the state.
Kaiser Permanente contributed $95,000 to the initial launch.
Firearm-related harm includes issues like suicide and community violence, and its impacts are felt statewide. Firearms are the third-leading cause of adult death from injury in Colorado. They are a leading cause of death for young people in the state.
The fund aims to reduce firearm-related injuries and deaths through actionable data, evidence-based resources, and locally tailored interventions. Through this fund, Rose Community Foundation will collaborate with local governments and community organizations to drive meaningful change.
“Firearm injuries and deaths are a public health crisis,” said Jeff Krawcek, MD, president and executive medical director of Kaiser Permanente in Colorado. “With our commitment to effective health care, our integrated research capabilities, and our mission to improve community health, Kaiser Permanente is uniquely positioned to lead and collaborate on meaningful public health solutions.”
The Colorado Safe Futures Fund secured nearly $1 million in commitments from various funders across the state, including Kaiser Permanente.
“Injuries from firearms are one of the leading causes of death for youth and adults in Colorado,” said Mike Ramseier, regional president of Kaiser Permanente in Colorado. “We are proud to support the Colorado Safe Futures Fund in developing solutions to address this public health problem.”
Kaiser Permanente’s contribution aligns with its long-standing commitment to addressing firearm-related harm as a public health issue.
In 2023, Kaiser Permanente launched the Kaiser Permanente Center for Gun Violence Research and Education, committing $25 million over 5 years to fund research and interventions focused on reducing gun violence.
The Kaiser Permanente Center for Gun Violence Research and Education aims to support equity-centered research, educate the public on the causes of and solutions to firearm-related harm, and partner with impacted communities to innovate and implement evidence-based, health-focused interventions.
Get more information about the Colorado Safe Futures Fund and its initiatives.