How To Get Insurance To Pay For Bariatric Surgery? – Technologist

How to get insurance to pay for bariatric surgery, and what is it?

With the increase in obesity in recent times, more people are considering doing bariatric surgeries, including gastric bypass and other weight-loss surgeries. But these operations costs can be hefty and weigh on you pretty heavily. 

This is why many try to get insurance for these situations, as who would want to think about bills while being a patient? But is it even possible for you to get insurance to pay for bariatric surgery? Read ahead to find out. 

How to get insurance to pay for bariatric surgery?

As previously discussed, surgeries can be costly. For some, obtaining insurance can provide a fruitful means of avoiding substantial expenses that may negatively impact their financial future. Fortunately, there is good news; many insurance providers cover bariatric surgeries, subject to meeting specific requirements.

Take a look at the below-mentioned table to know the criteria for getting your bariatric surgery covered by insurance:

S.No. Criteria Will Insurance be covered or not?
1 Patient should be over the age of 18 Covered
2 BMI of 40 and greater, or BMI of 35 or greater with comorbidities (diabetes and hypertension) Covered
3 The patient shouldn’t be smoking Covered
4 Proof of well-documented history of weight loss Coverage varies
5 Passing through a psychological evaluation to determine that the patient is mentally-fit to go through the weight-loss surgery Coverage varies
6 Medical reports of morbid obesity diagnosis. Covered
7 The patient should be willing to take part in the weight loss plan before or after the surgery, as directed by the insurance company. Coverage varies

More requirements for getting approved for Weight Loss/Bariatric Surgery

Before applying for any weight loss surgeries, you must qualify for the procedure. But how will you get the approval? Well, let us find out,

  1. Hospitals will consider bariatric surgery for you only if you have a BMI of 35 or higher or a BMI of 30 or higher. You must also have at least one obesity-related health condition, like type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, etc.
  2. If you weigh more than 450 pounds, you might have to go through diet and exercise before contemplating bariatric surgery.
  3. You must be in good overall health and free of medical conditions, which can increase the risk of difficulties during surgery.

Do you lose more weight with a bypass or sleeve?

Well, the weight loss aspect of both these can vary. Patients with gastric bypass can lose almost 50 – 80 percent of fat in 12 to 18 months. On the other hand, Gastric sleeves can lose 60 – 70 percent of fat in 12 to 18 months.


1) What are common long-term complications of gastric bypass?

Although gastric bypass surgery can be an effective method for weight loss, it may also result in long-term complications. Three potential complications that you should keep in mind before making a decision are as follows:
1. You might become a victim of dumping syndrome that often follows gastric bypass surgery, resulting from the rapid movement of food from the stomach to the small intestine. Some other issues can follow suit, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, and sweating.
2. Another problem can be when the Gastric bypass surgery starts to hinder the body’s nutrient absorption ability, leading to vitamin and mineral depletion. Sadly, this, in turn, bears health troubles like anemia, osteoporosis, and other complications. It is, therefore, urged to take vital precautions against it.
3. Acid reflux can also bother you. In this case, there is a reverse flow of stomach acid into the esophagus, causing a discomfiting burning sensation in the chest and throat. 
4. Weight regain after bariatric surgery may also transpire after some time if the instructed diet or exercise plan suggested by the doctor is not heeded. You should also monitor new eating habits that might vandalize your weight loss efforts.
5. The unfortunate dilation of the esophagus is another complication you should be aware of.

2) What is the safest surgery for weight loss?

According to many, bariatric surgery is considered the safest for weight loss. 

3) How painful is the gastric sleeve?

A factor like pain is a very subjective matter that depends on an individual’s pain tolerance, and it can never be exact for everyone. Based on that theory, we can say that for some, the pain measures 4 out of 10, and for some, 7 out of 10. Again, even this evaluation can vary. 

Wrapping It Up

Medical insurance coverage for bariatric surgery can be a life-altering blessing for those who struggle with obesity and related health ailments. We are glad that by ensuring access to this vital treatment option, insurance providers are indeed playing a significant role in combating the obesity epidemic and encouraging better health for their members.

Please take advice from your Insurance carriers before going through with the advice mentioned in this article. Insurance carriers offer up-to-date advice that may vary on case to case basis.

Also, check out more such articles: Does insurance cover skin removal surgery?

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