SEO Reputation Management | BKA Content – Technologist

Follow Local SEO Best Practices

If the majority of your customers live in your vicinity, your reputation management efforts should focus on local SEO. This type of content optimization can boost your company’s reputation with local customers using the following pillars:

  • Location-based landing pages: These web pages include hyper-local keywords for your city, state, local neighborhoods or surrounding areas, such as “best plumbing businesses in Chandler, AZ.”
  • Social media: Local SEO on social media platforms refers to topics, landmarks, trends and partnerships that residents care about.
  • Google Business Profile: This profile is where Google pulls information for its Maps features, including location data, client ratings, photos and contact information for your business.

A short GBP description of your brand, services, products and benefits can convince people to contact you.

Respond To Reviews

The information on review sites frequently shows up in search results. Keep an eye on review sites for your industry, such as Craigslist, Angie’s List, Trustpilot, Yelp, Glassdoor, Amazon, TripAdvisor and Google.

Depending on the site, you can contribute to positive SEO for reputation management in four ways:

  • Answer questions: If people @ you, respond! You have the opportunity to correct misconceptions directly.
  • Appreciate positive reviews: Reply from your business account on review sites, thanking the person.
  • Respond respectfully to negative feedback: Don’t get upset. Turn negative experiences into positive impressions by apologizing and resolving the issue.
  • Report fake reviews: Some one-star reviews come from competitors or people who haven’t even used your products. Use site tools to report and remove these fraudulent reviews.

What people are saying about you can have a huge impact on your company’s reputation. With tact, you can leverage this to your advantage.

Highlight Your Brand Identity Everywhere Online

A distinctive brand identity helps you stand out from other businesses and affects how customers view you. Your business needs a personality that your clients identify with. Use a cohesive tone with all of your SEO content: web pages, blog articles, guides, social media posts and e-commerce pages.

Choose Expert SEO Content

High-quality content marketing shows off your company’s expertise. Our professional SEO content includes trustworthy tips, expert advice and useful information. Well-researched blog articles make a positive impression on potential clients and new customers. All of this information tells people that your company is an industry leader.

Invest in Social Media Marketing

Don’t make the mistake of treating social media as a luxury. In less than 20 years, social media platforms have seen their American user base skyrocket from 5% to over 70%! These days, 80%-90% of adults between the ages of 18 and 49 use social media. With social media marketing, you can leverage that huge audience to build a strong brand reputation.

What Are the Benefits of Reputation Management SEO?

A business team celebrating.

A good business reputation has immense value. In fact, some executives say that a brand’s reputation is responsible for over 60% of its total market value! SEO and ORM offer benefits for businesses of any size, in any industry.

Better Reputation

SEO for reputation management delivers results. High-quality SEO content helps customers trust you. The more you show up in their search results, the better their impression of your business.

More Leads and Sales

SEO is king when it comes to lead generation. Positive impressions also result in more sales. Companies that impress their customers earn 450% more in revenue than businesses with a bad reputation. Good experiences also make customers more likely to return and spend more.

Increased Word-of-Mouth Advertising

What potential customers see on social media or review sites can have a lasting impact on their purchasing decisions. Over 95% of shoppers check reviews before making a purchase, and almost 50% of consumers trust online reviews as much as what their family members think.

What Are Your Next Steps With SEO Reputation Management?

By using SEO for reputation management in website design, blog articles and social media posts, you can boost your sales, get more customers and build a lasting reputation for your company. Feeling overwhelmed? Don’t worry: Great SEO content is what we do best. Our team can craft high-quality, search-optimized web pages, guides, articles, posts and much more. Contact us to see how easy and effective your SEO strategy can be.

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