1. Call for Papers: Latin American Society of International Law. The Latin American Society of International Law (Sociedad Latinoamericana de Derecho Internacional) is inviting paper submissions for its Seventh Biennial Conference, to be held from 31 July – 2 August 2025, at the Universidad de la República in Montevideo, Uruguay. The conference, titled ‘Latin America in a Rapidly Changing World’ (‘América Latina en un mundo en vertiginosa transformación’; ‘América Latina em um mundo em vertiginosa transformação’), will focus on three central themes: (i) ‘International Law Amid Shifting Power Dynamics’, (ii) ‘Latin America – Approaches, Priorities, and Possibilities’, and (iii) ‘New Alliances? Multilateralism in and from the Global South’. The deadline for submissions is 20 March 2025. For further details, see the full call in English, español, português.
2. Call for Abstracts: Narratives in International Courts and Tribunals. The Latin American Society of International Law (LASIL) Interest Group on International Courts and Tribunals is inviting submissions for an online pre-conference workshop on ‘Narratives in International Courts and Tribunals’, scheduled for 25 June 2025. Building upon the diverse backgrounds of state and non-state actors participating in international legal proceedings, the workshop will explore the crafting and mobilization of narratives in international law. Focus will be given not only to the narratives formally presented in adjudicative bodies, but also broader considerations on what influences their structural design and framing. Submissions may also include comparative regional perspectives, litigation strategies, foreign legal policy, critical approaches, the role of legal experts, the integration of social sciences, and the use of specific procedural mechanisms. The deadline for abstract submissions is 30 April 2025. For details on submission guidelines and workshop themes, see here.
3. Call for Evidence: The House of Lords International Agreements Committee. The House of Lords International Agreements Committee has launched a call for evidence on its inquiry into treaty scrutiny in the UK. Details can be found here: Lords Committee calls for evidence on treaty scrutiny – Committees – UK Parliament. The deadline for response is 2 May 2025. Contact Cathy Adams at adamscc {at} parliament(.)uk with any queries or email the IAC inbox at HLintlagreements {at} parliament(.)uk.
4. TwoLaW Lecture Series on the Laws of War: Marko Milanovic on the notion of an Illegal Occupation in the ICJ’s 2024 Palestine Advisory Opinion. TwoLaW is an online lecture series on the theory, history, policy and practice of the laws of war. In its 2024 advisory opinion on the Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, the ICJ ruled not only that Israeli policies and practices in the occupied territory systematically violated international law, but also that the occupation as such has become illegal and that Israel had to withdraw from the occupied territories as rapidly as possible. This talk unpacks the concept of an illegal occupation, as understood by the Court and in the individual opinions of its judges. This event will take place on 24 March 2025, from 6.00-7.00 pm CET. It will take place online via MS Teams. The link and login data will be sent to those registered ahead of the event. Mail akonecny {at} uni-mainz(.)de to register and/or if you have any questions.
5. Call for Submissions: Legal and Political Geographies of Maritime Choke Points. MOBILE Center of Excellence for Global Mobility Law at the University of Copenhagen is inviting submissions for interdisciplinary papers for a special issue on the legal and political geographies of maritime choke points. Contributors will meet for a workshop in Copenhagen 15 – 16 September 2025. They invite contributions from scholars in fields such as law, history, geography and anthropology. Papers should engage theoretical frameworks and/or concrete cases. The deadline for handing in abstracts is 1 June. More information on the submission process and the content of the workshop can be found here.
6. 4th Edition of the Summer School: Human Rights & Persons Deprived of Liberty. Organised by the ERC-IMPACTUM team, the Programme for Studies on Human Rights in Context, the Human Rights Centre at Ghent University, and the Global Campus on Human Rights, this course unravels the complexities surrounding human rights issues related to persons deprived of liberty. Led by Prof Clara Burbano Herrera (ERC-IMPACTUM, Ghent University) and Prof Manfred Nowak (Global Campus of Human Rights), this course provides insights from academics from Europe, Africa, and North & South America. The course will be conducted from the 17 – 20 June 2025 via Teams. Applications close on Friday 2 May 2025. Participants from the Global South can apply for a scholarship. More details here.
7. SDG+10 Conference: A Global Legal Stocktake of Achievements, Opportunities, and Challenges. The University of Southampton’s Law School is organizing a hybrid conference to mark the first ten years of the Sustainable Development Goals: “SDG+10: A Global Legal Stocktake of Achievements, Opportunities, and Challenges.” The conference will take place on 17 – 18 September 2025. Some of the themes that will be covered include: Goals 13 and 7, non-proliferation of fossil fuels and energy resilience; Harnessing AI for SDGs; Trade, Investment and Sustainable Development: securing a positive relationship; SDG15: Biodiversity loss: Innovative approaches to conservation and use; Housing and SDG11: making ‘cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable’; Shipping and Sustainability; and SDG17: Developing the private law framework to support sustainable development. Some of the papers may be selected for publication in a Journal Symposium. They encourage scholars and practitioners worldwide and at any stage of career to apply. Abstracts should be sent to Hwon Lee (kl1n18 {at} soton.ac(.)uk) by 31 March 2025. Further information can be found here.