A Call to Arms Against Fortress America – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

A Call to Arms Against Fortress America – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

Being an international lawyer can sometimes feel like being a librarian in the middle of a riot. You are deeply invested in the idea that there are rules – impeccable legal rules – that, if followed, would make the world a better, more orderly, place. You clutch well-thumbed and thoroughly annotated copies of the Nicaragua case, the Rome Statute and Oppenheim’s International Law, that explain exactly how everything should work, if only people would stop upturning chairs and setting things on fire long enough to listen. Undeterred by flying books to the head, you release sternly-worded statements, quote precedents, consult tribunals, ask councils to issue resolutions, even engage in targeted shushing (‘comply or I’ll publicly release your browser history’). But the rioters persist in throwing around treaty texts like Molotov cocktails. Eventually the library itself is on fire. With a theatrical flourish, the doors fly open and in walks Donald Trump. He surveys the room, nods approvingly at the chaos and declares ‘This librarian is biased! She’s trying to enforce rules that don’t benefit me! She is the problem!’. He then buys the entire building and turns it into a private club, selling memberships for $49.99 (payable in crypto-currency). Sensing an opportunity, you apply for entry – after all, you have considerable expertise in regulatory compliance. Security blocks your path, giving you a look usually reserved for tele-marketers and people who still cite the Kellogg-Briand Pact with a straight face: ‘We don’t accept librarians’. You learn you are on a watchlist for those showing ‘excessive commitment to the rule of law’. It’s enough to make you swap your legal principles for a business card and rebrand as a corporate lawyer.

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Chinese laser scientist ‘Crazy Li’ arms small drones with metal-cutting beam – Go Health Pro

Chinese laser scientist ‘Crazy Li’ arms small drones with metal-cutting beam – Go Health Pro

A squad of fully armed soldiers follow closely behind a Humvee armoured vehicle, cautiously advancing through the ruins of an urban battlefield. About a kilometre ahead of them in the sky, a small drone hovers in place. Suddenly, one soldier lets out a scream, clutching his eyes with both hands as smoke curls between his … Read more

The AI arms race is on … but don’t just look to America – Go Health Pro

The AI arms race is on … but don’t just look to America – Go Health Pro

I talked a bit about Amazon and Apple teaming up to develop AI strategies to compete and beat Alphabet/Google and Microsoft the other day. It got me thinking: why are we talking the American Big Tech giants when there are several Big Tech Asian giants namely Alibaba, Baidu, Tencent and NVIDIA themselves. What are their AI … Read more
