EU Law Analysis: The Italy/Albania asylum treaty reaches the CJEU: what are the issues? – Go Health Pro

EU Law Analysis: The Italy/Albania asylum treaty reaches the CJEU: what are the issues? – Go Health Pro

  Professor Steve Peers, Royal Holloway University of London Photo credit: Pudelek, via Wikimedia Commons   Is the Italy/Albania deal on housing asylum-seekers a model of the future, to be emulated by the rest of the EU, and the UK – or is it destined to be an expensive failure, like the UK’s Rwanda policy? … Read more

‘Quiet Life,’ a tale of two Sleeping Beauties waiting to be granted asylum – Go Health Pro

‘Quiet Life,’ a tale of two Sleeping Beauties waiting to be granted asylum – Go Health Pro

Sergei (Grigoriy Dobrygin, left), Natalia (Chulpan Khamatova, right), and their two daughters (center), Alina (Naomi Lamp) and Katja (Miroslava Pashutina), in “Quiet Life”, by Alexandros Avranas. LES FILMS DU WORSO LE MONDE’S OPINION – NOT TO BE MISSED Movie year opens with a “morning-after the-night-before” movie that never seeks to seduce but rather seizes us … Read more

Is the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruling on granting asylum to Afghan women an implication of qualification of gender apartheid in Afghanistan? – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

Is the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruling on granting asylum to Afghan women an implication of qualification of gender apartheid in Afghanistan? – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro


From a feminist perspective, international law has frequently failed to adequately address gender issues, primarily due to the challenges posed by a male-centric discourse reflected in its organizational and normative structure. This limitation is particularly evident in refugee law, where gender-based persecution has long struggled to gain recognition as a ground on its own for asylum. The 1951 Refugee Convention, developed in the context of post-war Europe with a limited understanding of the concept of persecution (see here and here), defines a refugee as someone fleeing their country because of a well-founded fear of persecution on grounds of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion, with gender being notably absent. This historical framework continues to hinder protections for women from Afghanistan under current refugee law, who face severe deprivation of fundamental rights and systematic discrimination. This system of oppression recently gained legal attention as ‘gender apartheid’ to distinguish the severity of the situation of women’s rights in this context (see this and this).

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Palestinian Refugees and the Future of Asylum – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

Is the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruling on granting asylum to Afghan women an implication of qualification of gender apartheid in Afghanistan? – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

The Palestinian refugee protection framework adopted after WWII faces a crisis of unprecedented proportions. While it remains unclear whether this framework will survive, Israel’s recent attack on it sheds new light on asylum’s oldest conundrum: the inherent tension between individual rights protection and state sovereignty. At the center of the Palestinian refugee protection framework stands … Read more

The Strictest Asylum Policy Ever? – Verfassungsblog – Go Health Pro

The Strictest Asylum Policy Ever? – Verfassungsblog – Go Health Pro

On Democratic Deficits and Unconvincing Solutions On 13 September 2024, ahead of the presentation of the State Budget, the new Dutch coalition presented their finalized plan to implement what it has labelled as the strictest admission regime ever in the field of asylum law. To implement its Outline Agreement, titled ‘Hope, Courage and Pride,’ the … Read more
