Which asset classes beat inflation after the pandemic?  – Go Health Pro

Which asset classes beat inflation after the pandemic?  – Go Health Pro

What do we want? We want inflation protection, we want it now, and we want it, ideally, in a highly-reliable set-and-forget format please. I’m a passive investor after all, and I’ve been hunting for alternatives since the passive investor’s choice of inflation insulation – a short-duration index-linked bond ETF – had a [checks glossary of … Read more

How two organizations beat the cyber insurance maze – Go Health Pro

How two organizations beat the cyber insurance maze – Go Health Pro

Almost all businesses need cybersecurity insurance to manage their digital risk, but not all realize that there are ways to reduce their insurance premiums by implementing certain protections. For example, most cybersecurity insurance carriers prefer that their customers implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) on user accounts. Some even require their clients to put MFA on privileged … Read more
