Quilombola v Norsk Hydro. A late flag on burden of proof for statute of limitation purposes under Rome II. – gavc law – geert van calster – Go Health Pro

Quilombola v Norsk Hydro. A late flag on burden of proof for statute of limitation purposes under Rome II. – gavc law – geert van calster – Go Health Pro

[If you do use the blog for research or database purposes, citation would be appreciated, to the blog as a whole and /or to specific blog posts. Many have suggested I should turn the blog into a paid for, subscription service however I have resisted doing so. Proper reference to how the blog is useful … Read more

Shifting the burden of proof and a duty to assist the Court (a duty of candour?) – Go Health Pro

Shifting the burden of proof and a duty to assist the Court (a duty of candour?) – Go Health Pro

  Antje Kunst* * Antje Kunst is an international lawyer and barrister of Garden Court North Chambers, admitted to the Bar of England and Wales, and the Bar of Berlin, advising and representing individuals in a wide range of matters related to fundamental rights within the CFSP and other fields. She has appeared in numerous cases … Read more

Reversed burden of proof under strict conditions to exercise early repayment rights of consumer credit- the CJEU in C-326/22 – Go Health Pro

Case C-326/22 Z  arose regarding Article 16(1) of Directive 2008/48/EC on consumer credit and the right to early loan repayment, which provides consumers with a right to repay their loan early and to the costs of the loan reduced accordingly. The facts Six consumers assigned to Z their claims regarding 15 consumer credit contracts that were repaid early, who … Read more
