On 20 November 1989, States ratified what would become the most widely ratified human rights treaty in history, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Its Article 3 establishes the best interests of the child as a primary consideration in all actions concerning children. However, 35 years after its adoption, we are still witnessing difficulties in implementing this principle. One example is the 30,000 children of former ISIS fighters who, ten years after the defeat of ISIS, still remain detained.
Long-Time Smoker With Cancer Awarded $20.7 Million in Case Against Tobacco Firms – Go Health Pro
A 72-year old man who smoked cigarettes for 55 years starting when he was 10-years old and suffered two bouts of cancer has won a $20.7 million verdict in a case against tobacco companies. A jury in Massachusetts Superior Court for Middlesex County found that cigarettes made by R.J. Reynolds and Santa Fe Natural Tobacco … Read more