CfP Latin American Society of International Law; CfA Narratives in International Courts and Tribunals; CfE HoL Inquiry into Treaty Scrutiny in the UK; TwoLaW Lecture – Illegal Occupation in ICJ Advisory Opinion; CfS Geographies of Maritime Choke Point; Human Rights & Persons Deprived of Liberty Summer School; Sustainable Development Goals Conference – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

CfP Latin American Society of International Law; CfA Narratives in International Courts and Tribunals; CfE HoL Inquiry into Treaty Scrutiny in the UK; TwoLaW Lecture – Illegal Occupation in ICJ Advisory Opinion; CfS Geographies of Maritime Choke Point; Human Rights & Persons Deprived of Liberty Summer School; Sustainable Development Goals Conference – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

1. Call for Papers: Latin American Society of International Law. The Latin American Society of International Law (Sociedad Latinoamericana de Derecho Internacional) is inviting paper submissions for its Seventh Biennial Conference, to be held from 31 July – 2 August 2025, at the Universidad de la República in Montevideo, Uruguay. The conference, titled ‘Latin America … Read more

CfP European Law Unbound Society; CfP Centre for the Law of EU External Relations; CfA Justice and Reconstruction in Post-Conflict Societies; CfP Cultural Heritage Law; CfS Feminist Jurisprudence Discussion Group – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

CfP Latin American Society of International Law; CfA Narratives in International Courts and Tribunals; CfE HoL Inquiry into Treaty Scrutiny in the UK; TwoLaW Lecture – Illegal Occupation in ICJ Advisory Opinion; CfS Geographies of Maritime Choke Point; Human Rights & Persons Deprived of Liberty Summer School; Sustainable Development Goals Conference – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

1. Call for Papers: Learned Society – European Law Unbound Society. From 25 – 27 September 2025, the inaugural conference of a new Learned Society — European Law Unbound Society (ELU-S) will take place. “Unbound” takes two meanings here: It will cover all scholarly and methodological approaches to the world of European legal Scholarship. It will, too, be a very inclusive society welcoming scholars at all stages of their career: From doctoral students to senior professors and practitioners. For a more elaborate description of ELU-S and a call for papers (Unbound!) see here.  

2. Call for Papers: Centre for the Law of EU External Relations. The Centre for the Law of EU External Relations (CLEER) and the T.M.C. Asser Instituut are inviting abstracts for a conference on ‘Shifting institutional dynamics in EU external relations’ that will take place on 12 December 2025 at the premises of the T.M.C. Asser Instituut in The Hague. The deadline for submission of abstracts is 30 April 2025. More information can be found here.

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CfB International Human Rights Law in Practice; EIL Ethical Standards and Judicial Discipline Webinar; CfA Climate Heritage Reparations; International Energy Law Seminar; CfP Perspectives on Sustainable Development in the Artic; Climate Change Education Workshop; Law of the Sea Summer Academy; EU Law in Changing Europe Masterclass; CfS Netherlands Yearbook of International Law; CfP Canadian Yearbook of International Law – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

CfP Latin American Society of International Law; CfA Narratives in International Courts and Tribunals; CfE HoL Inquiry into Treaty Scrutiny in the UK; TwoLaW Lecture – Illegal Occupation in ICJ Advisory Opinion; CfS Geographies of Maritime Choke Point; Human Rights & Persons Deprived of Liberty Summer School; Sustainable Development Goals Conference – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

1. Call for Books: International Human Rights Law in Practice Series.  The Series Editors of the International Human Rights Law in Practice Series are inviting proposals for the publication of monographs, edited volumes, and commentaries, on any aspect falling within the remit of the Series. The Editors are particularly interested in books touching on aspects of the following topics: (i) Addressing Inequalities within and among States through Human Rights; (ii) Climate Change and Human Rights Law; (iii) Human Rights in Armed Conflict: Case studies; and (iv) Migration and Human Rights Law. Prospective authors should submit by 30 June 2025 the following: (i) a 1600-word overview of the content and structure the book; (ii) a 700-word outline of the reasons as to why the book should be published in light of existing case law and literature; (iii) a sample chapter (only in the case of manuscripts at an advanced stage); and (iv) a curriculum vitae. Submissions should be sent to the attention of Lauren Danahy, Acquisitions Editor at lauren.danahy {at} brill(.)com. After a first in-house assessment, the proposal shall be submitted to double-blind peer review. Once a proposal is accepted, prospective authors shall be invited to produce the entire manuscript, which will be, in turn, submitted to double-blind peer-review.  

2. ELI Webinar on Ethical Standards and Judicial Discipline. On 27 November 2024, the European Law Institute (ELI), adopted its ELI-Mount Scopus European Standards of Judicial Independence, available here, to strengthen and uphold the impartiality of European judiciaries. The third webinar in the Judicial Independence Series will take place on 12 February 2025 from 12:30–14:00 CET. More information and registration here.

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International Adjudication – Peace Through Law in our Times Colloquium; CfC 70 Years Beyond Bandung; How to Build a Career in ICL Series; ELI Webinar Judicial Governance and Judicial Appointments and Promotion; Gender in the Crimes Against Humanity Draft Panel; Summer School on the Law of the Council of Europe; Cross-Cultural Understanding of Human Rights in International Legal Discourse Lecture; CfP Human Rights Essay Award; International Law and Global Justice Vacancy; CfA Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals Book Review Editor – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

CfP Latin American Society of International Law; CfA Narratives in International Courts and Tribunals; CfE HoL Inquiry into Treaty Scrutiny in the UK; TwoLaW Lecture – Illegal Occupation in ICJ Advisory Opinion; CfS Geographies of Maritime Choke Point; Human Rights & Persons Deprived of Liberty Summer School; Sustainable Development Goals Conference – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

1. Adjudication – Peace Through Law in our Times Colloquium. On 9 – 10 May 2025, the Walther Schücking Institute for International Law at Kiel University will host a colloquium to commemorate the 150th birthday of Walther Schücking. The theme is: ‘International Adjudication – Peace Through Law in our Times’. In 1923, about a century ago, Walther Schücking sat for the first time (as judge ad hoc) on the Permanent Court of International Justice. Throughout this troubled century, many international lawyers have advocated the idea of strengthening international adjudication as a way of achieving ‘peace through law’. Today, there seems to be more international adjudication than ever before, at least at the ICJ, the Permanent Court’s successor. However, it is questionable, whether this always serves the goal of peace (or even the actual settlement of disputes) – and the rule of law. International adjudication is undoubtedly on the rise, but it is also challenged, not only by immense caseloads, but also by divergent expectations. International courts are involved in efforts to save humanity from evils such as climate change or the scourge of war. The rise of strategic litigation has implications beyond the individual case, it aims at structural change, and international courts are gaining the attention of a global public. At stake is whether the international judicial function is structurally stretched to its limits or even beyond – and how international judges can deal responsibly and wisely with the challenges. These will be the overarching questions of our colloquium. More information here. Registration is now open (until April 28, 2025).

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CFA vs. CFP – A Wealth of Common Sense – Go Health Pro

CFA vs. CFP – A Wealth of Common Sense – Go Health Pro

Here’s a question from a podcast listener: On a recent episode of TCAF (Ep. 171 with Harvey Schwartz) you and Josh mention how wealth management has drastically changed over the last ~20 years specifically citing that CFP candidacies are at record highs while CFA candidacies are at record lows. Knowing you and Ben are both charterholders, what do … Read more
