CFA vs. CFP – A Wealth of Common Sense – Go Health Pro

CFA vs. CFP – A Wealth of Common Sense – Go Health Pro

Here’s a question from a podcast listener: On a recent episode of TCAF (Ep. 171 with Harvey Schwartz) you and Josh mention how wealth management has drastically changed over the last ~20 years specifically citing that CFP candidacies are at record highs while CFA candidacies are at record lows. Knowing you and Ben are both charterholders, what do … Read more

CfP Protections in International Law; CfS Protection of Human Rights in the Context of Armed Conflict; CfP Journal of Conflict and Security Law; Coloniality of Measuring Famine Lecture; Second World Approaches to International Law Workshop; CfP Austrian Review of International and European Law; CfP Early Career Scholars Workshop – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

CfP Protections in International Law; CfS Protection of Human Rights in the Context of Armed Conflict; CfP Journal of Conflict and Security Law; Coloniality of Measuring Famine Lecture; Second World Approaches to International Law Workshop; CfP Austrian Review of International and European Law; CfP Early Career Scholars Workshop – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

1. Call for Papers: Canterbury Christ Church University. Canterbury Christ Church University, Kent, United Kingdom has issued a call for papers for its annual law conference titled “Protections in International Law.” The conference will be held from the 18 – 19 March 2025 at their campus and facility, with online presenters as well. The conference examines the current scope of protections available to individuals under international law and questions the limitations of such protections through diverse critical lenses in multiple fields of international law including, international human rights law, international humanitarian law, international criminal law, AI governance initiatives and investment law. Abstracts and biographies to be submitted by 21 February 2025 5pm here.

2. Call for Submissions: Protection of Human Rights in the Context of Armed Conflict. The Centre for Fundamental Rights is inviting abstract submissions for a research workshop on 13 June 2025 at the Hertie School. Submissions are open until 3 February 2025. Find more information here.

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Ghandhi Research Seminar Series; CfS ASIL Interest Group; CfA Nordic Symposium on the Law of Armed Conflict; CfP Causal Inquiry for Finding Breaches of Human Rights Obligations ECHR; CfP ILA Committee on ADR in International Law; Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Seminar & Book Launch; CfP Polish Review of International & European Law; Research Methods in Fundamental Rights Workshop – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

CfP Protections in International Law; CfS Protection of Human Rights in the Context of Armed Conflict; CfP Journal of Conflict and Security Law; Coloniality of Measuring Famine Lecture; Second World Approaches to International Law Workshop; CfP Austrian Review of International and European Law; CfP Early Career Scholars Workshop – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

1. Ghandhi Research Seminar Series 2024- 2025. Global Law at Reading (GLAR) is Reading’s research hub for public international law, EU law and human rights law, and it has a proud international reputation for research excellence in these areas. The Ghandhi Research Seminar Series was launched in 2015, named in honour of Professor Sandy Ghandhi, who taught at the School of Law from 1978 to 2013 and remains an emeritus professor at Reading. Anyone is welcome to attend these seminars, and attendance is free. Seminars as follows: 11 February, 13-13.00 – Professor Gregory Fox (Wayne State University), Civil War Peace Agreements: Inside or Outside International Law? – Palmer Building 107 or via Teams; 24 February, 12 – 13.00 -Dr Justina Uriburu (University of Manchester), Missing Pieces of Peace: A History of International Dispute Settlement – Palmer Building 106 or via Teams; 5 March, 11 – 12.00 – Katherine Reece-Thomas (City, University of London) The Commercial Activity Exception to State Immunity – Henley Business School G13 or via Teams; 19 March, 12 – 13.00 – Professor Nazila Ghanea (University of Oxford), Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Parsing out Religion from Politics in the Work of the Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief – Palmer Building 103 or via Teams; and, 12 May 12-13.00 -Professor Frédéric Mégret (McGill University), What is International Human Rights Law For? – Palmer Building 111 or via Teams.

2. Call for Submissions: The American Society of International Law Interest Group on International Legal Theory. The American Society of International Law (ASIL) Interest Group on International Legal Theory has issued its annual call for submissions for its International Refugee Law Student Writing Prize. More details about the award criteria and submission process are available in the attached call for submissions. The winner will be recognized at the ASIL Annual Meeting in April 2025, as well as receiving a free one-year ASIL student membership, free admission to the ASIL Annual Meeting, assistance with travel expenses, and a credit to purchase books from Oxford University Press.

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ABILA COO Vacancy; CfP ANZSIL Annual Conference; CfP Protection of Human Rights in Armed Conflict; CfP Use of Biometrics by Armed Forces Conference – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

CfP Protections in International Law; CfS Protection of Human Rights in the Context of Armed Conflict; CfP Journal of Conflict and Security Law; Coloniality of Measuring Famine Lecture; Second World Approaches to International Law Workshop; CfP Austrian Review of International and European Law; CfP Early Career Scholars Workshop – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

1. American Branch of the International Law Association COO Vacancy. The American Branch of the International Law Association (“ABILA”) seeks a dynamic individual with superb organizational and people skills and an interest in international law for the position of Chief Operating Officer (COO).  This part-time position will require approximately 80 hours/month, 20 hours/week on average. Workload will fluctuate throughout the year, peaking in late summer and fall during preparations for their flagship event, International Law Weekend (ILW). Compensation is $26/hour, equivalent to approximately $26,000/year. Application deadline: 15 January 2025. See more here.

2. Call for Papers: International Law – Silence, Forgetting and Remembrance, Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law (ANZSIL) Annual Conference 2025.  ANZSIL is inviting paper and panel proposals for its 32nd Conference, to be held at the Australian National University, Canberra, 2 – 4 July 2025. Submissions on a range of areas are invited, with a focus on questions relating to the theme: What is unknown to, or excluded from, international law? What doctrinal fields, subject matters, actors and objects, and approaches are we at risk of forgetting or ‘un-knowing’?  Who is given a voice in international law? What subjects are marginalised as irrelevant by international law? For the full Call and the submission process see here.  Deadline for proposals: 10 February 2025. Applications are open for the Alice Edwards Breakthrough Researcher Award, designed to assist one or two early career researchers and PhD students to present at the Conference. See here for details.

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CfP Intricate Interplay of Investment Law and Intellectual Property in India; CfS Gender and Sexuality in International Criminal Law and Refugee Law; Litigating the Energy Charter Treaty Webinar; European and International Human Rights Standards in Conflicts and Disasters Course; CfP Young Scholars’ Conference; CfP The EU Green Deal – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

CfP Protections in International Law; CfS Protection of Human Rights in the Context of Armed Conflict; CfP Journal of Conflict and Security Law; Coloniality of Measuring Famine Lecture; Second World Approaches to International Law Workshop; CfP Austrian Review of International and European Law; CfP Early Career Scholars Workshop – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

1. Call for Papers: Intricate Interplay of Investment Law and Intellectual Property in India. The University of Mysore, Mysore, Karnataka, India, has announced a call for papers and an invite for scholars, academicians, practitioners, researchers, and students to participate in the upcoming International Webinar on the Intricate Interplay of Investment Law and Intellectual Property in India. The event is on 14 December 2024, 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM, held virtually. They invite original research papers, case studies, and policy analyses on the following themes: Jurisdictional Challenges in Investment Arbitration, Review of Domestic Court Decisions by Arbitral Tribunals, Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) and IP Compliance, Interpretation of IP Laws by Investment Tribunals, Balancing Investor Rights with State Sovereignty, Impact of Cultural Context on IP Regulation, Landmark Cases in IPR and Investment Law, The Role of Domestic Legal Frameworks in IPR, Harmonizing International Investment and IP Laws, and Future Trends in Investment and Intellectual Property Disputes. Register through the Registration Form. For further information, visit the official University of Mysore webpage or contact Mr. Sayed Qudrat Hashimy, Coordinator, Department of Studies in Law, University of Mysore, at sayedqudrathashimy {at}

2. Call for Submissions: Workshop on Gender and Sexuality in International Criminal Law and Refugee Law. International criminal law (ICL) and International Refugee Law (IRL) serve distinct purposes and operate through separate mechanisms. ICL focuses on accountability, prosecuting individuals for serious crimes like genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity through courts and tribunals, aiming to deliver justice and deter future atrocities. Refugee law, in contrast, is humanitarian, focused on protecting individuals fleeing persecution by granting access to asylum. Despite these differences, the two fields share some challenges, can impact one another, and often interact. In the Workshop on Gender and Sexuality in International Criminal Law and Refugee Law, which will be held on 11 April 2025 at Tilburg University, the organisers seek contributions exploring gender and sexuality specifically, as underrepresented themes, to generate interdisciplinary insights and strengthen collaboration between the wider fields of ICL and IRL. Submissions should be submitted to Gezy Schuurmans: g.schuurmans {at} tilburguniverisity(.)edu, by 31 January 2025. See here for further information.

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