CfP Oxford Workshop in Honour of Sir Frank Berman; ILaW Gendered Peace Through International Law Talk; CfP International Organisations as Imperial Designs; CfP Workshop on Sociological Inquiries into International Law; Thicker Notions of Human Rights Accountabilities Conference; GMU Academy on Seabed Governance; CfP Reconstructing International Criminal Justice; Universality of International Law and its Discontent Lecture; Innovative Ways to Counter Terrorism Conference – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

CfP Oxford Workshop in Honour of Sir Frank Berman; ILaW Gendered Peace Through International Law Talk; CfP International Organisations as Imperial Designs; CfP Workshop on Sociological Inquiries into International Law; Thicker Notions of Human Rights Accountabilities Conference; GMU Academy on Seabed Governance; CfP Reconstructing International Criminal Justice; Universality of International Law and its Discontent Lecture; Innovative Ways to Counter Terrorism Conference – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

1. Call for Papers: Oxford Workshop in Honour of Sir Frank Berman. The Oxford University Faculty of Law, the Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law & Armed Conflict, All Souls College, and Wadham College will host a workshop on 17 June 2025 to honour Sir Frank Berman KCMG KC’s long personal and professional association with Oxford, including his time as Visiting Professor of International Law and Honorary Fellow of Wadham College, Oxford. Applications are invited from early career researchers, including doctoral students, on the theme – Treaty Regimes in International Law. Topics may include the functioning, control, and governance of particular treaty regimes, the activities of dispute settlement or monitoring bodies, and assemblies or conferences of State parties. They are particularly interested in examining how well the general law of treaties copes with the interactions or conflicts between different treaty regimes, as well as between treaty regimes and general international law. Abstracts of no more than 400 words together with a short resumé should be submitted by 10 March 2025 to {at}  (please indicate ‘Berman workshop abstract’ in the subject line). If selected, participants will then be asked to circulate a draft of the paper, which can still be rough/in progress, by 23 May 2025. They are able to provide some financial assistance to selected participants on the basis of need.

2. ILaW Gendered Peace Through International Law Talk. On 19 Feb 2025, 5.30pm, in London, International Law at Westminster (ILaW) are hosting a talk with Dr Louise Arimatsu and Professor Christine Chinkin on their book Gendered Peace through International Law (Hart 2024). The talk, moderated by Dr Marco Longobardo, will explore the main findings of their open access book, discussing what a gendered peace might look like and its impact on international law. More info and free registration are available here.

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CfP Interactions between International Organizations and the Private Sector; CfP Edinburgh Postgraduate Law Conference; ASIL – ESIL Workshop; CfI SheVotesAfrica; Protection of the Environment During Occupation Book Launch; ICL Year in Review; CfS UN ILC Prevention and Punishment of Crimes Against Humanity; Human Rights Violations in Palestine Talk; Sustainable Marine Governance in The Mediterranean School; CoE Role in Peace, Justice & Accountability in Ukraine – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

CfP Oxford Workshop in Honour of Sir Frank Berman; ILaW Gendered Peace Through International Law Talk; CfP International Organisations as Imperial Designs; CfP Workshop on Sociological Inquiries into International Law; Thicker Notions of Human Rights Accountabilities Conference; GMU Academy on Seabed Governance; CfP Reconstructing International Criminal Justice; Universality of International Law and its Discontent Lecture; Innovative Ways to Counter Terrorism Conference – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

1. Call for Papers: Legal Aspects of Interactions between International Organizations and the Private Sector. The PRIVIGO project (“International Organizations between Mission and Market”), sponsored by the European Research Council and located at the Erik Castrén Institute, is organizing a workshop in Helsinki on 23 May 2025. The theme is Legal Aspects of Interactions between International Organizations and the Private Sector. They hope to attract specifically work that is empirical/doctrinal in nature, preferably involving international organizations that are not too often discussed in the literature, but they are open for a wide variety of possible papers on topics including Funding Rules and Practices, Sponsorship by or of the Private Sector, Legal Instruments Governing Relations between IOs and the Private Sector, Procurement Practices, Dispute Settlement between IOs and Private Parties, Participation of the Private Sector in IO Processes, or IOs and the Creation or Maintenance of Markets. Abstracts may relate to case-studies, particular histories, particular episodes, the role of particular entities or agents, doctrinal legal analysis, etc. Send an abstract of max. 500 words before 28 February, 12.00 pm CET, to jan.klabbers {at} helsinki(.)fi. They will offer economy travel as well as accommodation costs (up to two nights) to successful candidates. Abstracts from the world of IO practice are welcome.

2. Call for Papers: Edinburgh Postgraduate Law Conference (EPLC) 2025. The EPLC Committee has issued a call for papers for its annual law conference, titled ‘Reframing Narratives: Viewing Law in a Different Light’. The conference will be held on 11 – 12 June 2025 at the University of Edinburgh. Submissions from postgraduate students, early career researchers and legal practitioners from any discipline to engage with the conversation around confronting traditional legal narratives are welcomed. Abstracts not exceeding 500 words can be submitted via the application form – EPLC 2025 Application Form. The deadline for submissions is 28 February. Find more information here.

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ILS NYC 2025: Announcing more expert speakers for the conference – Go Health Pro

ILS NYC 2025: Announcing more expert speakers for the conference – Go Health Pro

Today we are delighted to announce four more expert speakers who will share their insurance-linked securities (ILS) insight with attendees at our upcoming Artemis ILS NYC 2025 conference in New York on February 7th next year. Tickets are still available, so please register soon to ensure you can join us at the event.More than 200 … Read more

ABILA COO Vacancy; CfP ANZSIL Annual Conference; CfP Protection of Human Rights in Armed Conflict; CfP Use of Biometrics by Armed Forces Conference – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

CfP Oxford Workshop in Honour of Sir Frank Berman; ILaW Gendered Peace Through International Law Talk; CfP International Organisations as Imperial Designs; CfP Workshop on Sociological Inquiries into International Law; Thicker Notions of Human Rights Accountabilities Conference; GMU Academy on Seabed Governance; CfP Reconstructing International Criminal Justice; Universality of International Law and its Discontent Lecture; Innovative Ways to Counter Terrorism Conference – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

1. American Branch of the International Law Association COO Vacancy. The American Branch of the International Law Association (“ABILA”) seeks a dynamic individual with superb organizational and people skills and an interest in international law for the position of Chief Operating Officer (COO).  This part-time position will require approximately 80 hours/month, 20 hours/week on average. Workload will fluctuate throughout the year, peaking in late summer and fall during preparations for their flagship event, International Law Weekend (ILW). Compensation is $26/hour, equivalent to approximately $26,000/year. Application deadline: 15 January 2025. See more here.

2. Call for Papers: International Law – Silence, Forgetting and Remembrance, Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law (ANZSIL) Annual Conference 2025.  ANZSIL is inviting paper and panel proposals for its 32nd Conference, to be held at the Australian National University, Canberra, 2 – 4 July 2025. Submissions on a range of areas are invited, with a focus on questions relating to the theme: What is unknown to, or excluded from, international law? What doctrinal fields, subject matters, actors and objects, and approaches are we at risk of forgetting or ‘un-knowing’?  Who is given a voice in international law? What subjects are marginalised as irrelevant by international law? For the full Call and the submission process see here.  Deadline for proposals: 10 February 2025. Applications are open for the Alice Edwards Breakthrough Researcher Award, designed to assist one or two early career researchers and PhD students to present at the Conference. See here for details.

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CfP Intricate Interplay of Investment Law and Intellectual Property in India; CfS Gender and Sexuality in International Criminal Law and Refugee Law; Litigating the Energy Charter Treaty Webinar; European and International Human Rights Standards in Conflicts and Disasters Course; CfP Young Scholars’ Conference; CfP The EU Green Deal – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

CfP Oxford Workshop in Honour of Sir Frank Berman; ILaW Gendered Peace Through International Law Talk; CfP International Organisations as Imperial Designs; CfP Workshop on Sociological Inquiries into International Law; Thicker Notions of Human Rights Accountabilities Conference; GMU Academy on Seabed Governance; CfP Reconstructing International Criminal Justice; Universality of International Law and its Discontent Lecture; Innovative Ways to Counter Terrorism Conference – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

1. Call for Papers: Intricate Interplay of Investment Law and Intellectual Property in India. The University of Mysore, Mysore, Karnataka, India, has announced a call for papers and an invite for scholars, academicians, practitioners, researchers, and students to participate in the upcoming International Webinar on the Intricate Interplay of Investment Law and Intellectual Property in India. The event is on 14 December 2024, 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM, held virtually. They invite original research papers, case studies, and policy analyses on the following themes: Jurisdictional Challenges in Investment Arbitration, Review of Domestic Court Decisions by Arbitral Tribunals, Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) and IP Compliance, Interpretation of IP Laws by Investment Tribunals, Balancing Investor Rights with State Sovereignty, Impact of Cultural Context on IP Regulation, Landmark Cases in IPR and Investment Law, The Role of Domestic Legal Frameworks in IPR, Harmonizing International Investment and IP Laws, and Future Trends in Investment and Intellectual Property Disputes. Register through the Registration Form. For further information, visit the official University of Mysore webpage or contact Mr. Sayed Qudrat Hashimy, Coordinator, Department of Studies in Law, University of Mysore, at sayedqudrathashimy {at}

2. Call for Submissions: Workshop on Gender and Sexuality in International Criminal Law and Refugee Law. International criminal law (ICL) and International Refugee Law (IRL) serve distinct purposes and operate through separate mechanisms. ICL focuses on accountability, prosecuting individuals for serious crimes like genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity through courts and tribunals, aiming to deliver justice and deter future atrocities. Refugee law, in contrast, is humanitarian, focused on protecting individuals fleeing persecution by granting access to asylum. Despite these differences, the two fields share some challenges, can impact one another, and often interact. In the Workshop on Gender and Sexuality in International Criminal Law and Refugee Law, which will be held on 11 April 2025 at Tilburg University, the organisers seek contributions exploring gender and sexuality specifically, as underrepresented themes, to generate interdisciplinary insights and strengthen collaboration between the wider fields of ICL and IRL. Submissions should be submitted to Gezy Schuurmans: g.schuurmans {at} tilburguniverisity(.)edu, by 31 January 2025. See here for further information.

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