CfP Latin American Society of International Law; CfA Narratives in International Courts and Tribunals; CfE HoL Inquiry into Treaty Scrutiny in the UK; TwoLaW Lecture – Illegal Occupation in ICJ Advisory Opinion; CfS Geographies of Maritime Choke Point; Human Rights & Persons Deprived of Liberty Summer School; Sustainable Development Goals Conference – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

CfP Latin American Society of International Law; CfA Narratives in International Courts and Tribunals; CfE HoL Inquiry into Treaty Scrutiny in the UK; TwoLaW Lecture – Illegal Occupation in ICJ Advisory Opinion; CfS Geographies of Maritime Choke Point; Human Rights & Persons Deprived of Liberty Summer School; Sustainable Development Goals Conference – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

1. Call for Papers: Latin American Society of International Law. The Latin American Society of International Law (Sociedad Latinoamericana de Derecho Internacional) is inviting paper submissions for its Seventh Biennial Conference, to be held from 31 July – 2 August 2025, at the Universidad de la República in Montevideo, Uruguay. The conference, titled ‘Latin America … Read more

Amicus Briefs: Being a friend to the courts when the courts are our friends – Go Health Pro

Amicus Briefs: Being a friend to the courts when the courts are our friends – Go Health Pro

By Lauren DiMartino In the face of a federal government determined to undo the protections in place for our most vulnerable community members, many of us find ourselves asking: what can we do to help?  Without a clear answer, concerned citizens watch the breaking news alerts pop up on their phone, hoping for favorable outcomes … Read more

Paving the way for an enforcement of democracy under Article 10 TEU? The Court’s judgments in Cases C-808/21 Commission v Czechia and C-814/21 Commission v Poland – Go Health Pro

Paving the way for an enforcement of democracy under Article 10 TEU? The Court’s judgments in Cases C-808/21 Commission v Czechia and C-814/21 Commission v Poland – Go Health Pro

On Tuesday this week, the European Court of Justice rendered two judgments (here and here) on whether Article 22 TFEU gives mobile EU citizens the right to join a national party in order to exercise effectively their right to stand in municipal and European elections. The Court’s judgments are groundbreaking. However, this is not because … Read more

Rock on – Court of Appeal dismisses appeal against High Court’s refusal to strike out claims in Jimi Hendrix Experience litigation – Go Health Pro

Rock on – Court of Appeal dismisses appeal against High Court’s refusal to strike out claims in Jimi Hendrix Experience litigation – Go Health Pro

Image by ReneSchulze1984 from Pixabay In Noel Redding Estate Ltd & Anor v Sony Music Entertainment UK Ltd [2025] EWCA Civ 66, the Court of Appeal has dismissed an appeal against the High Court’s refusal to grant summary judgment or strike out copyright and performers’ rights claims regarding the exploitation of the studio albums of … Read more

International Adjudication – Peace Through Law in our Times Colloquium; CfC 70 Years Beyond Bandung; How to Build a Career in ICL Series; ELI Webinar Judicial Governance and Judicial Appointments and Promotion; Gender in the Crimes Against Humanity Draft Panel; Summer School on the Law of the Council of Europe; Cross-Cultural Understanding of Human Rights in International Legal Discourse Lecture; CfP Human Rights Essay Award; International Law and Global Justice Vacancy; CfA Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals Book Review Editor – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

CfP Latin American Society of International Law; CfA Narratives in International Courts and Tribunals; CfE HoL Inquiry into Treaty Scrutiny in the UK; TwoLaW Lecture – Illegal Occupation in ICJ Advisory Opinion; CfS Geographies of Maritime Choke Point; Human Rights & Persons Deprived of Liberty Summer School; Sustainable Development Goals Conference – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

1. Adjudication – Peace Through Law in our Times Colloquium. On 9 – 10 May 2025, the Walther Schücking Institute for International Law at Kiel University will host a colloquium to commemorate the 150th birthday of Walther Schücking. The theme is: ‘International Adjudication – Peace Through Law in our Times’. In 1923, about a century ago, Walther Schücking sat for the first time (as judge ad hoc) on the Permanent Court of International Justice. Throughout this troubled century, many international lawyers have advocated the idea of strengthening international adjudication as a way of achieving ‘peace through law’. Today, there seems to be more international adjudication than ever before, at least at the ICJ, the Permanent Court’s successor. However, it is questionable, whether this always serves the goal of peace (or even the actual settlement of disputes) – and the rule of law. International adjudication is undoubtedly on the rise, but it is also challenged, not only by immense caseloads, but also by divergent expectations. International courts are involved in efforts to save humanity from evils such as climate change or the scourge of war. The rise of strategic litigation has implications beyond the individual case, it aims at structural change, and international courts are gaining the attention of a global public. At stake is whether the international judicial function is structurally stretched to its limits or even beyond – and how international judges can deal responsibly and wisely with the challenges. These will be the overarching questions of our colloquium. More information here. Registration is now open (until April 28, 2025).

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