CfP Oxford Workshop in Honour of Sir Frank Berman; ILaW Gendered Peace Through International Law Talk; CfP International Organisations as Imperial Designs; CfP Workshop on Sociological Inquiries into International Law; Thicker Notions of Human Rights Accountabilities Conference; GMU Academy on Seabed Governance; CfP Reconstructing International Criminal Justice; Universality of International Law and its Discontent Lecture; Innovative Ways to Counter Terrorism Conference – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

CfP Oxford Workshop in Honour of Sir Frank Berman; ILaW Gendered Peace Through International Law Talk; CfP International Organisations as Imperial Designs; CfP Workshop on Sociological Inquiries into International Law; Thicker Notions of Human Rights Accountabilities Conference; GMU Academy on Seabed Governance; CfP Reconstructing International Criminal Justice; Universality of International Law and its Discontent Lecture; Innovative Ways to Counter Terrorism Conference – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

1. Call for Papers: Oxford Workshop in Honour of Sir Frank Berman. The Oxford University Faculty of Law, the Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law & Armed Conflict, All Souls College, and Wadham College will host a workshop on 17 June 2025 to honour Sir Frank Berman KCMG KC’s long personal and professional association with Oxford, including his time as Visiting Professor of International Law and Honorary Fellow of Wadham College, Oxford. Applications are invited from early career researchers, including doctoral students, on the theme – Treaty Regimes in International Law. Topics may include the functioning, control, and governance of particular treaty regimes, the activities of dispute settlement or monitoring bodies, and assemblies or conferences of State parties. They are particularly interested in examining how well the general law of treaties copes with the interactions or conflicts between different treaty regimes, as well as between treaty regimes and general international law. Abstracts of no more than 400 words together with a short resumé should be submitted by 10 March 2025 to {at}  (please indicate ‘Berman workshop abstract’ in the subject line). If selected, participants will then be asked to circulate a draft of the paper, which can still be rough/in progress, by 23 May 2025. They are able to provide some financial assistance to selected participants on the basis of need.

2. ILaW Gendered Peace Through International Law Talk. On 19 Feb 2025, 5.30pm, in London, International Law at Westminster (ILaW) are hosting a talk with Dr Louise Arimatsu and Professor Christine Chinkin on their book Gendered Peace through International Law (Hart 2024). The talk, moderated by Dr Marco Longobardo, will explore the main findings of their open access book, discussing what a gendered peace might look like and its impact on international law. More info and free registration are available here.

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BGL Criminal Defense Section hosted a panel, “Dismantling Mass Incarceration—An Authentic Discussion” to explore solutions to Mass Incarceration—from reform to abolition. – Go Health Pro

BGL Criminal Defense Section hosted a panel, “Dismantling Mass Incarceration—An Authentic Discussion” to explore solutions to Mass Incarceration—from reform to abolition. – Go Health Pro

The Brown, Goldstein & Levy Criminal Defense Section—Jacqui Cadman and Kobie Flowers —hosted a panel called, “Dismantling Mass Incarceration—An Authentic Discussion,” on January 27 as part of an event series aimed at solving social problems. It made for an evening of meaningful and compelling conversations exploring solutions to the United States’ 50-year Mass Incarceration problem. … Read more

The Malabo Protocol’s 10th Anniversary Revives Advocacy for an African Criminal Court – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

CfP Oxford Workshop in Honour of Sir Frank Berman; ILaW Gendered Peace Through International Law Talk; CfP International Organisations as Imperial Designs; CfP Workshop on Sociological Inquiries into International Law; Thicker Notions of Human Rights Accountabilities Conference; GMU Academy on Seabed Governance; CfP Reconstructing International Criminal Justice; Universality of International Law and its Discontent Lecture; Innovative Ways to Counter Terrorism Conference – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

2024 marks ten years since the African Union (AU) states adopted the Protocol on Amendments to the Protocol on the Statute of the African Court of Justice and Human Rights (Malabo Protocol), which would create a regional criminal court for Africa. The Protocol would add a criminal section alongside the general and human rights sections … Read more

Not Having Your International Law and Eating It. On the Nicaragua Moment of International Criminal Justice   – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

CfP Oxford Workshop in Honour of Sir Frank Berman; ILaW Gendered Peace Through International Law Talk; CfP International Organisations as Imperial Designs; CfP Workshop on Sociological Inquiries into International Law; Thicker Notions of Human Rights Accountabilities Conference; GMU Academy on Seabed Governance; CfP Reconstructing International Criminal Justice; Universality of International Law and its Discontent Lecture; Innovative Ways to Counter Terrorism Conference – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

You probably assume that you know what the word “expat” means. The writer Lucy Mushita first heard that word from European and American professionals who had come to work in her home country (Zimbabwe); they used it to describe themselves. She looked it up in a dictionary and found out that “expat” designates someone who goes to live or work in a country that is not his or her own. Later, however, she discovered that the word had a more limited scope than what its dictionary meaning suggested. “When I arrived in France and introduced myself as an expat, people looked at me with wide eyes,” she describes in her latest book Expat Blues. “They asked me if I’d fled poverty, misery or war, and I replied that I hadn’t. I was an expat. I was an expat who had followed her husband to France. But I realized that the word didn’t work for black people in the Western world.”

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The Podcast! Episode 30: On the Precipice – The International Criminal Court and State Immunity – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

CfP Oxford Workshop in Honour of Sir Frank Berman; ILaW Gendered Peace Through International Law Talk; CfP International Organisations as Imperial Designs; CfP Workshop on Sociological Inquiries into International Law; Thicker Notions of Human Rights Accountabilities Conference; GMU Academy on Seabed Governance; CfP Reconstructing International Criminal Justice; Universality of International Law and its Discontent Lecture; Innovative Ways to Counter Terrorism Conference – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

In this episode, Paola Gaeta, Director of the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights  and Professor of International Law at the Geneva Graduate Institute, and Roger O’Keefe, Professor of International Law, Bocconi University,  join Marko Milanovic and Philippa Webb to discuss recent developments at the International Criminal Court. The Court has now … Read more
