Devastating Wildfires Destroy Hundreds of Homes Across Oklahoma and Texas – Go Health Pro

Devastating Wildfires Destroy Hundreds of Homes Across Oklahoma and Texas – Go Health Pro

As Oklahomans assessed the devastation from wildfires that whipped across the state, damaging or destroying hundreds of homes, officials in both Oklahoma and Texas warned of an increased risk of fire danger in the coming week. “We’re going to be back into a critical area,” Oklahoma Forestry Services spokesperson Keith Merckx said. Wildfires fueled by … Read more

Shared Intel Q&A: Foreign adversaries now using ‘troll factories’ to destroy trust in U.S. elections – Go Health Pro

Shared Intel Q&A: Foreign adversaries now using ‘troll factories’ to destroy trust in U.S. elections – Go Health Pro

By Byron V. Acohido Foreign adversaries proactively interfering in U.S. presidential elections is nothing new. Related: Targeting falsehoods at US minorities, US veterans It’s well-documented how Russian intelligence operatives proactively meddled with the U.S. presidential election in 2016 and technologists and regulators have been monitoring and developing measures to address election meddling by foreign adversaries, … Read more
