IT risks in mergers & acquisitions: why due diligence is critical  – Go Health Pro

IT risks in mergers & acquisitions: why due diligence is critical  – Go Health Pro

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are transformative events for businesses, offering opportunities for growth, diversification, and increased market presence. However, while financial and legal due diligence often take centre stage, IT due diligence is just as critical. Neglecting the technological and cyber security aspects of a target company can lead to significant financial, operational, and reputational … Read more

On the concept of ‘operator’ triggering due diligence requirements in the EU’s Timber Regulation EUTR. – gavc law – geert van calster – Go Health Pro

On the concept of ‘operator’ triggering due diligence requirements in the EU’s Timber Regulation EUTR. – gavc law – geert van calster – Go Health Pro

In Case C-70/23 Mesto Rimavská Sobota the CJEU held on 21 November on an important trigger for many an EU product- and import /export related environmental regulation. In the case at issue the context is the EU Timber Regulation 995/2010 also known as ‘EUTR’. The EUTR in essence aims to prevent illegally harvested timber from … Read more
