On 4 November, Israel officially informed the United Nations of its decision to cut ties with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) following the passage of two bills opposing UNRWA’s activities on Israeli territory. The new laws also designate UNRWA as a terrorist organisation and strip its staff of legal immunity. As many commentators (e.g. Eirik Bjorge), including state officials, have criticised, those bills seriously threaten the operational viability of UNRWA in the occupied Palestinian territory.
Further confusion on duty of the European Commission to assess State aid measures’ compatibility with other rules of EU internal market law (C‑490/23 P) — How to Crack a Nut – Go Health Pro
The Court of Justice has been recently presented with some cases where a State aid measure was argued to have (not) infringed EU internal market law and should thus (not) have been authorised by the European Commission. These cases raise the common issue of the Commission’s duty to assess proposed State aid measures for compliance … Read more