Evidence of a black hole visiting Earth may be hiding in your house – Go Health Pro

Evidence of a black hole visiting Earth may be hiding in your house – Go Health Pro

Bang! Astronomers suspect that in the first second after the universe formed, the very first black holes also formed. These tiny though profoundly dense objects — think of an atom-sized particle wielding the mass of a mountain — are dubbed “primordial black holes.” But there’s a problem: There’s still no evidence they’ve ever existed. Now, … Read more

What did the snowball Earth look like? – Go Health Pro

What did the snowball Earth look like? – Go Health Pro

All of which raises questions about what the snowball Earth might have looked like in the continental interiors. A team of US-based geologists think they’ve found some glacial deposits in the form of what are called the Tavakaiv sandstones in Colorado. These sandstones are found along the Front Range of the Rockies, including areas just … Read more
