ECB with DLT and CBDC create RTP via TARGET2 for T+0 – Go Health Pro

ECB with DLT and CBDC create RTP via TARGET2 for T+0 – Go Health Pro

I made this headline immediately challenging for anyone not in my space, as it incorporates all the TLAs (three letter arconyms) to confuse and abuse you. A fascinating release from Europe’s Central Bank announced that they aim to move soon to distributed ledger technology (DLT) settlements for payments last week. What did the announcement say? … Read more

ECB, EIOPA propose EU nat cat reinsurance solution, with catastrophe bond support – Go Health Pro

ECB, EIOPA propose EU nat cat reinsurance solution, with catastrophe bond support – Go Health Pro

A proposal published by the European Central Bank (ECB) and the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) calls for a natural catastrophe insurance system that includes pooling private risks, strengthening disaster risk management, and the use of catastrophe bonds to support catastrophe reinsurance availability for Europe.It follows a discussion paper from 2023 that called … Read more
