Is the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruling on granting asylum to Afghan women an implication of qualification of gender apartheid in Afghanistan? – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

Is the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruling on granting asylum to Afghan women an implication of qualification of gender apartheid in Afghanistan? – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro


From a feminist perspective, international law has frequently failed to adequately address gender issues, primarily due to the challenges posed by a male-centric discourse reflected in its organizational and normative structure. This limitation is particularly evident in refugee law, where gender-based persecution has long struggled to gain recognition as a ground on its own for asylum. The 1951 Refugee Convention, developed in the context of post-war Europe with a limited understanding of the concept of persecution (see here and here), defines a refugee as someone fleeing their country because of a well-founded fear of persecution on grounds of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion, with gender being notably absent. This historical framework continues to hinder protections for women from Afghanistan under current refugee law, who face severe deprivation of fundamental rights and systematic discrimination. This system of oppression recently gained legal attention as ‘gender apartheid’ to distinguish the severity of the situation of women’s rights in this context (see this and this).

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Will the ECJ mandate protectionism in procurement — comments on AG Collins’ Kolin Opinion (C-652/22) — How to Crack a Nut – Go Health Pro

Will the ECJ mandate protectionism in procurement — comments on AG Collins’ Kolin Opinion (C-652/22) — How to Crack a Nut – Go Health Pro

In the Opinion in Kolin Inşaat Turizm Sanayi ve Ticaret (C-652/22, EU:C:2024:212, hereafter ‘Kolin’), Advocate General Collins has argued that only economic operators established in countries party to international agreements on public contracts that bind the EU may rely on the provisions of Directive 2014/25/EU. This would imply that economic operators established in other countries … Read more

Is that this honest? The ECJ guidelines on prohibition of task and ex officio management of unfairness (C-173/23 Air Europa Líneas Aéreas) – Go Well being Professional

Is that this honest? The ECJ guidelines on prohibition of task and ex officio management of unfairness (C-173/23 Air Europa Líneas Aéreas) – Go Well being Professional

1. Introduction Air carriers usually use clauses which prohibit the task of passenger claims. Such clauses have a generic scope however have been primarily launched to discourage the task of claims beneath Regulation 261/2004 on air passenger rights (Air Passenger Rights Regulation – APRR) to business firms. The equity of such clauses beneath the Directive … Read more
