Sánchez intenta vencer los recelos de sus socios con el gasto en Defensa con un discurso solidario hacia la Europa vecina de Rusia | España – Go Health Pro

Sánchez intenta vencer los recelos de sus socios con el gasto en Defensa con un discurso solidario hacia la Europa vecina de Rusia | España – Go Health Pro

España fue con Italia el país que más fondos europeos recibió de Bruselas en la crisis de la covid, que dejó un rastro trágico de más de 120.000 fallecidos y llevó a la economía al borde del colapso. Justo cuando se cumple el quinto aniversario de la peor crisis sanitaria en un siglo, a la … Read more

Europa League 2024-25 livestream: How to watch Europa League for free – Go Health Pro

Europa League 2024-25 livestream: How to watch Europa League for free – Go Health Pro

TL;DR: Live stream the 2024-25 Europa League for free on ServusTV, RTBF, or Tabii. Access these free streaming services from anywhere in the world with ExpressVPN. The Champions League gets most of the attention, and that makes sense because the very best teams in Europe are competing in that competition. But that doesn’t mean you … Read more

NASA launches mission to explore the frozen frontier of Jupiter’s moon Europa – Go Health Pro

NASA launches mission to explore the frozen frontier of Jupiter’s moon Europa – Go Health Pro

Scientists are pretty sure Europa has the water, perhaps twice as much as the water in all of Earth’s oceans. Jupiter’s strong gravity field constantly tugs on Europa as it orbits its parent planet every three-and-a-half days, squeezing and flexing the moon’s insides, and generating heat through tidal forces. These forces could drive hydrothermal vents … Read more

Is that this honest? The ECJ guidelines on prohibition of task and ex officio management of unfairness (C-173/23 Air Europa Líneas Aéreas) – Go Well being Professional

Is that this honest? The ECJ guidelines on prohibition of task and ex officio management of unfairness (C-173/23 Air Europa Líneas Aéreas) – Go Well being Professional

1. Introduction Air carriers usually use clauses which prohibit the task of passenger claims. Such clauses have a generic scope however have been primarily launched to discourage the task of claims beneath Regulation 261/2004 on air passenger rights (Air Passenger Rights Regulation – APRR) to business firms. The equity of such clauses beneath the Directive … Read more
