EuroStack: Europe’s path to digital independence? – Go Health Pro

EuroStack: Europe’s path to digital independence? – Go Health Pro

Resources: critical materials, energy and skilled labor; Chips: processors, memory technologies and quantum communication systems; Networks: Digital and physical connections, including cell towers and fiber optic networks; Connected devices and IoT: devices that enable real-time information processing and data collection Cloud infrastructure: Secure data storage and computing power; Software platforms, applications and algorithms: Operating systems, … Read more

The Council of Europe’s Proposed Definition of Terrorism Infringes Human Rights – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

The Council of Europe’s Proposed Definition of Terrorism Infringes Human Rights – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

The Council of Europe (CoE) is preparing to amend its legal definition of terrorism, to largely replicate key elements of the European Union’s (EU) definition in its Counter-terrorism Directive 2017 (and previous Framework Decision on Combating Terrorism 2002). The proposed definition aims to make the CoE definition more comprehensive than the CoE’s existing Convention on … Read more

Finally, a sign of life for Europe’s sovereign satellite Internet constellation – Go Health Pro

Finally, a sign of life for Europe’s sovereign satellite Internet constellation – Go Health Pro

The estimated 10 billion-plus euro cost of the IRIS² program is nearly double initial projections. European officials also confirmed the sovereign satellite network won’t begin providing services to European government customers until 2030, three years later than the commission’s previous schedule. Rising costs and negotiations over how much governments and industry will pay for IRIS² … Read more

How China’s rise has shaped innovation and exit among Europe’s solar firms – Go Health Pro

How China’s rise has shaped innovation and exit among Europe’s solar firms – Go Health Pro

Should the EU protect European firms by restricting imports of solar technology from China? Drawing on new research, Pia Andres finds that Chinese competition has resulted in many European firms going out of business, but some of those that have survived have adapted by innovating more intensely. Renewable energy is key to enabling the transition … Read more
