With successful New Glenn flight, Blue Origin may finally be turning the corner – Go Health Pro

With successful New Glenn flight, Blue Origin may finally be turning the corner – Go Health Pro

“That’s the small one,” Bezos commented. “Mark 2 is twice as tall and twice as wide.” These are impressive vehicles, built on a large scale. They’re important first steps toward delivering cargo—Mark 1 could launch within the next 12 to 18 months—and eventually crew. But none of these next steps can happen without New Glenn … Read more

Passengers acting to avoid flight delay = no compensation – Go Health Pro

In two judgments issued on 25 January, the CJEU addressed questions related to the passengers’ right to claim compensation for a long flight delay. The unusual aspect of both cases is that in neither of them passengers actually experienced the delay, having decided to forego the delayed flight. Unsurprisingly, the CJEU decided in both cases … Read more
