Owusu rules. CJEU confirms absence in principle of reflexive effect of Brussels Ia’s exclusive jurisdictional rules in BSH Hausgeräte. – gavc law – geert van calster – Go Health Pro

Owusu rules. CJEU confirms absence in principle of reflexive effect of Brussels Ia’s exclusive jurisdictional rules in BSH Hausgeräte. – gavc law – geert van calster – Go Health Pro

The CJEU confirmed this morning in C‑339/22 BSH Hausgeräte GmbH v Electrolux AB (no language versions other than French and Swedish at the time of posting) that in principle Brussels Ia’s exclusive jurisdictional rule for registered intellectual property rights (A24(4) has no reflexive effect. [I suggest below that the reasoning extends to all of A24). … Read more

The CJEU is less claimant-friendly than its AG in use of the anchor defendant mechanism for competition law damages claims. Rules out mini-trials at the jurisdictional stage yet insists on room to contest control. – gavc law – geert van calster – Go Health Pro

The CJEU is less claimant-friendly than its AG in use of the anchor defendant mechanism for competition law damages claims. Rules out mini-trials at the jurisdictional stage yet insists on room to contest control. – gavc law – geert van calster – Go Health Pro

The CJEU held earlier this morning in C‑393/23 Athenian Brewery SA, Heineken NV v Macedonian Thrace Brewery SA (no language versions available at the time of posting than Dutch and French). My post on Kokott AG’s Opinion is here. The AG all in all supported a ready acceptance of forum connexitatis in competition law cases – in the … Read more

Reciprocity and the temporal scope of jurisdictional clauses in erga omnes partes proceedings? – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

Reciprocity and the temporal scope of jurisdictional clauses in erga omnes partes proceedings? – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

On 12 November 2024, the ICJ released it judgment on preliminary objections in the Azerbaijan v Armenia. As the parallel case of Armenia v Azerbaijan, it invokes alleged violations of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD) and is based on the compromissory clause in Art 22 CERD. Although lodged following the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War between the two parties, Azerbaijan alleges violations dating back to the 1990s (the First Nagorno-Karabakh War). In that context, the Court had to examine the limits of its temporal scope of jurisdiction in the context of obligations erga omnes partes. More specifically, Armenia contended that the Court lacked jurisdiction over conduct during a period when Armenia already was a party to CERD, but Azerbaijan was not (between 23 July 1993 and 15 September 1996). Thus, it revolved around whether Azerbaijan could (at least in parallel (see below) on an erga omnes partes basis) demand compliance with treaty obligations to which it was itself not yet bound. The Court upheld this (first) preliminary objection, basing itself on ‘the principles of reciprocity and equality of States’. In doing so, it infused the doctrine of erga omnes partes with bilateralist structures.

Presumption of temporal flexibility for jurisdictional clauses

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A second Emiliou AG Opinion on reflexive impact of unique jurisdictional guidelines in BSH Hausgeräte. – gavc regulation – geert van calster – Go Well being Professional

A second Emiliou AG Opinion on reflexive impact of unique jurisdictional guidelines in BSH Hausgeräte. – gavc regulation – geert van calster – Go Well being Professional

I reviewed Emiliou AG’s first Opinion in C‑339/22 BSH Hausgeräte GmbH v Electrolux AB right here.  Seeing because the case was now reassigned to Grand Chamber (evaluate with CJEU IRnova the place a 3 member chamber rejected reflexivity en stoemelings) and as a brand new listening to was held solely on the difficulty of reflexivity, … Read more
