Lauren Kelleher and Erin O’Neill shared insights on plaintiffs’ advocacy at Georgetown Law’s Plaintiffs’ Law Fair. – Go Health Pro

Lauren J. Kelleher and Erin E. O’Neill represented Brown, Goldstein & Levy at Georgetown Law’s Plaintiffs’ Law Fair. Lauren and Erin shared the firm’s mission, practice areas, and their experiences working with clients. As Georgetown Law alumni, they also discussed their law school involvement and how it shaped their careers. This inaugural event provided law … Read more

ISPs fear wave of state laws after New York’s $15 broadband mandate – Go Health Pro

ISPs fear wave of state laws after New York’s  broadband mandate – Go Health Pro

More state bills are expected Morrow told Ars he is concerned about his bill facing opposition from Internet providers, though he noted Comcast already offers a low-cost plan in Vermont that “just needs to be advertised better.” Morrow said he modeled his bill on the New York law and that he is optimistic about its … Read more

Motorcycle Lane Splitting Laws by State: A Practical Guide – Go Health Pro

Motorcycle Lane Splitting Laws by State: A Practical Guide – Go Health Pro

What is Lane Splitting? Lane splitting is a riding technique where a motorcyclist travels between lanes of slow-moving or stopped vehicles, usually moving no more than about 10 mph faster than the surrounding traffic. Once traffic speeds up again, the rider merges back into a normal travel lane. What states allow for Lane Splitting or … Read more

TwoLaw Laws of War Lecture Series; CfP Legitimacy of International Governance Workshop; CfP Cambridge International Law Journal Conference; CfP Politics of International Dispute Settlement; CfP ASIL International Criminal Law Interest Group; CfP International Court of Justice at 80; CfS ASIL International Criminal Law Scholarship Prize; Frameworks for Synergizing Sustainable Development Goals and IP Workshop; Expanding Access to Justice Book Launch; Modern Slavery in the Fishing Industry Panel – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

TwoLaw Laws of War Lecture Series; CfP Legitimacy of International Governance Workshop; CfP Cambridge International Law Journal Conference; CfP Politics of International Dispute Settlement; CfP ASIL International Criminal Law Interest Group; CfP International Court of Justice at 80; CfS ASIL International Criminal Law Scholarship Prize; Frameworks for Synergizing Sustainable Development Goals and IP Workshop; Expanding Access to Justice Book Launch; Modern Slavery in the Fishing Industry Panel – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

1. TwoLaw – Lecture Series on the Laws of War. On 28 November 2024, from 6-7 pm CET, Claire Vergerio (independent scholar) will give the next lecture of the TwoLaw – Lecture Series on the Laws of war. The topic of the lecture is “War, States, and International Order: Alberico Gentili and the Foundational Myth of the Laws of War” and focuses on the historical development of the prerogative of sovereign states to wage war. Vergerio argues that this arrangement was not derived from the ideas of Alberico Gentili and that this story was invented by a group of prominent international lawyers. Email jessica.oheim {at} student(.) to register. The Zoom link and login data will be sent to those registered ahead of the event. More information can be found here.

2. Call for Papers: Guidance, Expertise, Theoretical Authority and the Legitimacy of International Governance. This workshop will bring together international lawyers, philosophers, political scientists and scholars in related fields interested in exploring the role that epistemic authority and expertise play in today’s global governance. Abstracts are invited for a 2 day workshop to take place at Maynooth University, Ireland on 20 – 21 March 2025 to be sent to theoreticalauthority (at) gmail(,)com by 5 January 2025. Papers may address questions at a general level, or through a focus on one or more specific regimes, organisations, courts or tribunals. Contributions are invited from scholars in law, philosophy, political science and related disciplines, with a view to developing an interdisciplinary conversation around these questions. More information can be found here or email gurkan (.)capar(at)mu(.ie).

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