Making sense of Europe’s migration communication campaigns – Go Health Pro

Making sense of Europe’s migration communication campaigns – Go Health Pro

Migration communication campaigns are becoming increasingly common across Europe. James Dennison, Lorenzo Piccoli and Mariana C. Duarte present a framework for understanding the impact these campaigns are having on public attitudes and behaviour. Each year, European institutions, governments and NGOs produce ever more public communication campaigns designed to affect people’s migratory attitudes and behaviours. In … Read more

Mandatory Coinbase wallet migration? It’s a phishing scam! – Go Health Pro

Mandatory Coinbase wallet migration? It’s a phishing scam! – Go Health Pro

An ingenious phishing scam is targeting cryptocurrency investors, by posing as a mandatory wallet migration. The emails, which have the subject line “Migrate to Coinbase wallet”, have been sent out at a large scale claiming that court order has forced Coinbase to change the way it operates. Part of the email reads as follows: “As … Read more

EXL Code Harbor streamlines platform migration, data governance, and workflow assessment – Go Health Pro

EXL Code Harbor streamlines platform migration, data governance, and workflow assessment – Go Health Pro

With their outdated technology and high costs, legacy codebases hold enterprises back. But in many cases, the prospect of migrating to modern cloud native, open source languages1  seems even worse. Migration projects typically require significant time and money. Artificial intelligence (AI) tools have emerged to help, but many businesses fear they will expose their intellectual … Read more

The Italy-Albania migration deal – a policy failure? – Go Health Pro

The Italy-Albania migration deal – a policy failure? – Go Health Pro

Andrea Pettrachin and Matteo Bassoli argue that while Italy’s deal with Albania has yet to make an impact on migration numbers, it has already achieved key political aims for Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. On 27 January, the Italian government embarked on a third attempt to send a group of migrants to Albania to process … Read more

CfP Netherlands Yearbook of International Law; Climate Change and Migration Webinar; EHRAC Animated Film; Business and Human Rights Workshop; AI Knut Ipsen Lecture – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

CfP Netherlands Yearbook of International Law; Climate Change and Migration Webinar; EHRAC Animated Film; Business and Human Rights Workshop; AI Knut Ipsen Lecture – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

1. Call for Papers: Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. The Netherlands Yearbook of International Law is inviting submissions for Volume 55 – ‘The manifold forms of contemporary international legal scholarship’. The volume editors invite contributions that address the interplay between substance and form in contemporary modes of international legal work, for example the recording of podcasts, the use of X or blogposts – which may in turn be juxtaposed with more ‘traditional’ outputs such as books or articles. The full call for papers can be found here. Authors may submit an abstract of no more than 400 words by 25 November 2024. Authors of selected abstracts will be informed by 8 December and will then be invited to send a first full draft of no more than 10,000 words including footnotes by 24 March 2025. All emails and files should be sent to nyil {at} asser(.)nl.

2. ICON-S Interest Group on Climate Change and Migration Webinar on The Australia-Tuvalu Falepili Union. ICON-S Interest Group on Climate Change and Migration are hosting a webinar “The Australia-Tuvalu Falepili Union: Balancing Climate Mobility, Sovereignty, and Cultural Preservation” The event will take place on Tuesday 19 November 2024 at 10am London/11am CET/9pm Sydney/11pm Wellington and offer a discussion examining the world’s first bilateral agreement on climate mobility. This webinar will explore the Falepili Union’s implications for international law, cultural preservation, and Pacific geopolitics. The event will be held via Zoom. Register here.

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