Infomercial Millionaires: 6 Products That Made Infomercial Millionaires Overnight – Go Health Pro

Infomercial Millionaires: 6 Products That Made Infomercial Millionaires Overnight – Go Health Pro

Image Source: YouTube/The Shamwow Guy Infomercials have slowly been falling out of favor in the last decade or so. As people are able to do their own research on products and the internet has made information more readily available, people aren’t relying on infomercials as much as they would before. In fact, 54% of Americans … Read more

Eighteen Percent of US Households Are Millionaires. Here is Why You Aren’t One of Them. – Go Health Pro

Eighteen Percent of US Households Are Millionaires. Here is Why You Aren’t One of Them. – Go Health Pro

Every three years the US Federal Reserve conducts a survey of American’s finances.  This study, called the US Survey of Consumer Finances (SCR), is a representative picture of the wealth of America.  It details the assets and liabilities of participants in the studies, and also shows their income, demographic characteristics, and changes in American wealth … Read more
