As preps continue, it’s looking more likely NASA will fly the Artemis II mission – Go Health Pro

As preps continue, it’s looking more likely NASA will fly the Artemis II mission – Go Health Pro

Late Saturday night, technicians at Kennedy Space Center in Florida moved the core stage for NASA’s second Space Launch System rocket into position between the vehicle’s two solid-fueled boosters. Working inside the iconic 52-story-tall Vehicle Assembly Building, ground teams used heavy-duty cranes to first lift the butterscotch orange core stage from its cradle in the … Read more

Can NASA remain nonpartisan when basic spaceflight truths are shredded? – Go Health Pro

Can NASA remain nonpartisan when basic spaceflight truths are shredded? – Go Health Pro

It looked like the final scene of a movie, the denouement of a long adventure in which the good guys finally prevail. Azure skies and brilliant blue seas provided a perfect backdrop on Tuesday evening as a spacecraft carrying four people neared the planet’s surface. “Just breathtaking views of a calm, glass-like ocean off the … Read more

NASA officials undermine Musk’s claims about ‘stranded’ astronauts – Go Health Pro

NASA officials undermine Musk’s claims about ‘stranded’ astronauts – Go Health Pro

Musk claims he made an offer directly to senior officials in the Biden Administration. We have no way to verify that, but it does seem clear that the Biden administration never communicated such an offer to lower-level officials within NASA, who made their decision for technical rather than political reasons. “I think you know we … Read more

NASA: Directo | La sonda robótica ‘Athena’ intenta aterrizar en la Luna más cerca del Polo Sur que ninguna otra nave | Ciencia – Go Health Pro

NASA: Directo | La sonda robótica ‘Athena’ intenta aterrizar en la Luna más cerca del Polo Sur que ninguna otra nave | Ciencia – Go Health Pro

Athena, una sonda privada de la empresa Intuitive Machines, intentará posarse en la Luna en la tarde de este jueves —a las 18:32, hora peninsular española—, y convertirse así en la nave que más cerca ha aterrizado del Polo Sur del satélite natural de la Tierra. Siete días después de su lanzamiento desde Centro Espacial … Read more

Best Language for Artificial Intelligence Used by NASA – Go Health Pro

Best Language for Artificial Intelligence Used by NASA – Go Health Pro

Do you know which programming languages NASA relies on for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and why they are crucial in space exploration? We’ve got you covered! NASA uses a variety of programming languages to develop AI-driven technologies for space missions, planetary exploration, and deep space communication. Not only will this article explore the best language NASA … Read more
