CfP Interactions between International Organizations and the Private Sector; CfP Edinburgh Postgraduate Law Conference; ASIL – ESIL Workshop; CfI SheVotesAfrica; Protection of the Environment During Occupation Book Launch; ICL Year in Review; CfS UN ILC Prevention and Punishment of Crimes Against Humanity; Human Rights Violations in Palestine Talk; Sustainable Marine Governance in The Mediterranean School; CoE Role in Peace, Justice & Accountability in Ukraine – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

CfP Interactions between International Organizations and the Private Sector; CfP Edinburgh Postgraduate Law Conference; ASIL – ESIL Workshop; CfI SheVotesAfrica; Protection of the Environment During Occupation Book Launch; ICL Year in Review; CfS UN ILC Prevention and Punishment of Crimes Against Humanity; Human Rights Violations in Palestine Talk; Sustainable Marine Governance in The Mediterranean School; CoE Role in Peace, Justice & Accountability in Ukraine – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

1. Call for Papers: Legal Aspects of Interactions between International Organizations and the Private Sector. The PRIVIGO project (“International Organizations between Mission and Market”), sponsored by the European Research Council and located at the Erik Castrén Institute, is organizing a workshop in Helsinki on 23 May 2025. The theme is Legal Aspects of Interactions between International Organizations and the Private Sector. They hope to attract specifically work that is empirical/doctrinal in nature, preferably involving international organizations that are not too often discussed in the literature, but they are open for a wide variety of possible papers on topics including Funding Rules and Practices, Sponsorship by or of the Private Sector, Legal Instruments Governing Relations between IOs and the Private Sector, Procurement Practices, Dispute Settlement between IOs and Private Parties, Participation of the Private Sector in IO Processes, or IOs and the Creation or Maintenance of Markets. Abstracts may relate to case-studies, particular histories, particular episodes, the role of particular entities or agents, doctrinal legal analysis, etc. Send an abstract of max. 500 words before 28 February, 12.00 pm CET, to jan.klabbers {at} helsinki(.)fi. They will offer economy travel as well as accommodation costs (up to two nights) to successful candidates. Abstracts from the world of IO practice are welcome.

2. Call for Papers: Edinburgh Postgraduate Law Conference (EPLC) 2025. The EPLC Committee has issued a call for papers for its annual law conference, titled ‘Reframing Narratives: Viewing Law in a Different Light’. The conference will be held on 11 – 12 June 2025 at the University of Edinburgh. Submissions from postgraduate students, early career researchers and legal practitioners from any discipline to engage with the conversation around confronting traditional legal narratives are welcomed. Abstracts not exceeding 500 words can be submitted via the application form – EPLC 2025 Application Form. The deadline for submissions is 28 February. Find more information here.

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How two organizations beat the cyber insurance maze – Go Health Pro

How two organizations beat the cyber insurance maze – Go Health Pro

Almost all businesses need cybersecurity insurance to manage their digital risk, but not all realize that there are ways to reduce their insurance premiums by implementing certain protections. For example, most cybersecurity insurance carriers prefer that their customers implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) on user accounts. Some even require their clients to put MFA on privileged … Read more

Eve Hill presented keynote address on moving organizations toward a culture of accessibility at the annual M-Enabling Summit, drawing from her experience as one of the nation’s leading disability rights attorneys and consultants. – Go Health Pro

Eve Hill presented keynote address on moving organizations toward a culture of accessibility at the annual M-Enabling Summit, drawing from her experience as one of the nation’s leading disability rights attorneys and consultants. – Go Health Pro

Eve Hill, partner at Brown, Goldstein & Levy, delivered a keynote address on Prioritizing, Planning, and Implementing Accessible Technology at an International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP) workshop hosted at the 12th Annual M-Enabling Summit in Washington D.C. The workshop was part of a three-day conference from Oct. 15 to 17 that brought leaders in … Read more

“Collaborations between public and private organizations will be vital for the UAE to deliver on digital agenda” – Go Health Pro

“Collaborations between public and private organizations will be vital for the UAE to deliver on digital agenda” – Go Health Pro

Technology is seen as critical in ensuring data privacy, particularly as more organizations adopt cloud-based solutions for sensitive workloads. By exploring the use of confidential computing, Core42 and AMD aim to address the increasing demand for secure, compliant cloud infrastructures, especially in regions with strict data sovereignty regulations. The collaboration is timely, as the UAE … Read more

Lineaje raises $20M to help organizations combat software supply chain threats – Go Health Pro

Lineaje raises M to help organizations combat software supply chain threats – Go Health Pro

The software supply chain faces threats from all sides. A 2024 report by the Ponemon Institute found that over half of organizations have experienced a software supply chain attack, with 54% having experienced one within the past year. Supply chain attacks typically target services from third-party vendors or open source software that make up a … Read more
