How pronouns shape political outcomes in the German parliament – Go Health Pro

How pronouns shape political outcomes in the German parliament – Go Health Pro

Does the use of pronouns such as “I” and “we” in political speeches affect the success of politicians? Drawing on new research, Robin Bachmann shows that political leaders in the German parliament have not only used “we” more frequently in recent decades but that this usage is linked to higher chances of re-election. In politics, … Read more

How a voting advice application influenced the 2024 European Parliament election – Go Health Pro

How a voting advice application influenced the 2024 European Parliament election – Go Health Pro

Do voting advice applications work? Drawing on a new field experiment during the 2024 European Parliament election, Joris Frese, Simon Hix and Romain Lachat find that while there is limited evidence voting advice applications boost turnout levels, their recommendations do appear to have a meaningful impact on the choices made by voters. Voting advice applications … Read more

What if mayors ruled the European Parliament? – Go Health Pro

What if mayors ruled the European Parliament? – Go Health Pro

The new right-leaning European Parliament has the potential to undermine climate action. But what if mayors led the Parliament? Drawing on an analysis of the political affiliation and policy priorities of nearly 100 European mayors, Catarina Heeckt, Pietro Reviglio and Milena Larue show that this would be a very different story. At city level, climate … Read more

Pegida disbands, as the German far right moves from the streets into parliament – Go Health Pro

How pronouns shape political outcomes in the German parliament – Go Health Pro

The far-right populist movement Pegida has disbanded following a final protest on 20 October. Sabine Volk writes that with the far right performing strongly in the polls, there remain plenty of outlets for disenchanted German voters to express their views. On 20 October, more than a thousand far-right demonstrators, hundreds of left-wing counterdemonstrators and dozens … Read more
