New MassJacker Malware Targets Piracy Users, Hijacking Cryptocurrency Transactions – Go Health Pro

New MassJacker Malware Targets Piracy Users, Hijacking Cryptocurrency Transactions – Go Health Pro

Mar 14, 2025Ravie LakshmananSoftware Security / Cybercrime Users searching for pirated software are the target of a new malware campaign that delivers a previously undocumented clipper malware called MassJacker, according to findings from CyberArk. Clipper malware is a type of cryware (as coined by Microsoft) that’s designed to monitor a victim’s clipboard content and facilitate … Read more

Record labels unhappy with court win, say ISP should pay more for user piracy – Go Health Pro

Record labels unhappy with court win, say ISP should pay more for user piracy – Go Health Pro

The big three record labels notched another court victory against a broadband provider last month, but the music publishing firms aren’t happy that an appeals court only awarded per-album damages instead of damages for each song. Universal, Warner, and Sony are seeking an en banc rehearing of the copyright infringement case, claiming that Internet service … Read more
