Respect for International Law – Go Health Pro

Respect for International Law – Go Health Pro

A Declaration by German Speaking International Law Scholars We teach and research international law. Despite holding different views on individual issues and diverging assessments of specific conflicts, we are united by the following convictions: Observance of international law is more important than ever in the current situation in order to maintain and restore world peace. … Read more

Monica Basche quoted in a Baltimore Sun article about the MD Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services rolling out body-worn cameras for correctional officers: “Any additional oversight is better than the status quo, but body-worn cameras are not a substitute for hiring qualified individuals and training them to respect the constitutional rights of prisoners.” – Go Health Pro

Monica Basche quoted in a Baltimore Sun article about the MD Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services rolling out body-worn cameras for correctional officers: “Any additional oversight is better than the status quo, but body-worn cameras are not a substitute for hiring qualified individuals and training them to respect the constitutional rights of prisoners.” – Go Health Pro

Brown, Goldstein & Levy attorney Monica Basche was quoted in a recent Baltimore Sun article that reported on the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services (“DPSCS”) pilot program for body-worm cameras for correctional officers.  The pilot program will start with a staggered roll-out  at five Maryland prisons, with  an agency-wide roll-out later this … Read more

Time and Temporality before the ICJ in the Advisory Opinion on Obligations of States in respect of Climate Change – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

Time and Temporality before the ICJ in the Advisory Opinion on Obligations of States in respect of Climate Change – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

The ICJ’s Advisory Opinion on Obligations of States in respect of Climate Change is one of a string of recent cases which has brought the ICJ to the centre of public discussions of international law (see coverage of proceedings on the BBC, the Guardian, and Forbes), and academic commentators have already noted the significance of the case for procedural rules on the participation of small island developing states and amicus curiae from NGOs, the establishing of obligations erga omnes, and the Court’s use of experts fantômes. In this short post, I want to focus on a different aspect of the Advisory Opinion: namely, its temporal significance, as a decision over when climate change began, how it manifests in our present, and how it will develop in the future.

Time may seem a marginal issue for understanding climate change. Yet across the submissions of the 96 states and 11 international organisations participating in the case, different histories, presents, and future expectations are again and again put before the ICJ to guide its decision. For some states, climate change has a long history, its origins stretching back decades to the emergence of scientific consensus on climate change in the 1960s, or even further back to colonial possession of natural resources and the Industrial Revolution (see, for example, Kenya’s submissions that carbon dioxide emissions should be measured from 1850). This creates a differentiated present: while some states have historically made the largest contributions to climate change, it is others that have been forced to bare its brunt. Accordingly, the history of climate change alters expectations about its future regulation. With the pollution of some states already threatening the existence of others, the ICJ must recognise legal obligations between these states which can halt and rectify the existing damage caused by climate change and restore the right of those states to self-determination over their future (see, among many passing citations by other states, the detailed submissions on self-determination by the Melanesian Spearhead Group, the Republic of Fiji, the Marshall Islands, Papua New Guinea, Kiribati, Liechtenstein, Micronesia, Namibia, Nauru, Palau, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, and Tuvalu).

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The Long-Awaited Election of a Judge to the ECtHR in Respect of Poland – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

Time and Temporality before the ICJ in the Advisory Opinion on Obligations of States in respect of Climate Change – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

The year 2024 has been of significant electoral importance, not only in various countries but also for the judges at the ECtHR. While 5 judges are elected each year on average, no fewer than 15 judges were supposed to be elected in 2024 (see here, § 65), with 10 ultimately elected, including one from Poland. … Read more
