Weekend reading: Are rich people miserable? – Go Health Pro

Weekend reading: Are rich people miserable? – Go Health Pro

What caught my eye this week. I enjoyed Life After The Daily Grind’s article asking whether money and miserableness go together. It was sharply written and thought-provoking. But I didn’t really agree with the main premise. Over the last decade or so several of my friends have ‘made it’. From wealthy enough to eschew the … Read more

Feeling Poor As A Child May Help Them Grow Rich In Many Ways – Go Health Pro

Feeling Poor As A Child May Help Them Grow Rich In Many Ways – Go Health Pro

If you’re a FIRE parent, one of your biggest concerns might be raising a spoiled and entitled child who takes hard work and money for granted. If this happens, it may feel like a significant failure—not only for your child’s future but also for society, which would have to contend with the consequences of their … Read more

Ireland is rich. Why do the Irish feel like living in a half-developed country? – Go Health Pro

Ireland is rich. Why do the Irish feel like living in a half-developed country? – Go Health Pro

The DART train at Howth station, on the outskirts of Dublin, on May 29, 2022. JC MILHET / HANS LUCAS Greystones, a small coastal town just south of Dublin, was experiencing a particularly rainy end to its November. It seemed that all the visitors had taken refuge in Scéal, a trendy bakery on the marina, … Read more

Top Seven Money Myths About Rich People – Go Health Pro

Top Seven Money Myths About Rich People – Go Health Pro

Back in 2004, I began to research why the rich were rich and why the poor were poor. When I began my Rich Habits research, I had some entrenched negative beliefs about the wealthy that I inherited from my non-rich upbringing. As I learned more about the drivers behind wealth and poverty, however, my perception changed. … Read more
