Weekend reading: Are rich people miserable? – Go Health Pro

Weekend reading: Are rich people miserable? – Go Health Pro

What caught my eye this week. I enjoyed Life After The Daily Grind’s article asking whether money and miserableness go together. It was sharply written and thought-provoking. But I didn’t really agree with the main premise. Over the last decade or so several of my friends have ‘made it’. From wealthy enough to eschew the … Read more

Feeling Poor As A Child May Help Them Grow Rich In Many Ways – Go Health Pro

Feeling Poor As A Child May Help Them Grow Rich In Many Ways – Go Health Pro

If you’re a FIRE parent, one of your biggest concerns might be raising a spoiled and entitled child who takes hard work and money for granted. If this happens, it may feel like a significant failure—not only for your child’s future but also for society, which would have to contend with the consequences of their … Read more

Ireland is rich. Why do the Irish feel like living in a half-developed country? – Go Health Pro

Ireland is rich. Why do the Irish feel like living in a half-developed country? – Go Health Pro

The DART train at Howth station, on the outskirts of Dublin, on May 29, 2022. JC MILHET / HANS LUCAS Greystones, a small coastal town just south of Dublin, was experiencing a particularly rainy end to its November. It seemed that all the visitors had taken refuge in Scéal, a trendy bakery on the marina, … Read more

Top Seven Money Myths About Rich People – Go Health Pro

Top Seven Money Myths About Rich People – Go Health Pro

Back in 2004, I began to research why the rich were rich and why the poor were poor. When I began my Rich Habits research, I had some entrenched negative beliefs about the wealthy that I inherited from my non-rich upbringing. As I learned more about the drivers behind wealth and poverty, however, my perception changed. … Read more

Finishing Rich Despite A Low-Return Stock Market Environment – Go Health Pro

Finishing Rich Despite A Low-Return Stock Market Environment – Go Health Pro

Since the bottom of the global financial crisis in July 2009, the S&P 500 has generally experienced a strong bull market. While there were challenging periods in 2018, 1Q 2020, and 2022, stock market investors have largely been well rewarded. However, Goldman Sachs warns that the good times might be coming to an end. Goldman … Read more
