Spillovers and Unexpected Interactions – Go Health Pro

Spillovers and Unexpected Interactions – Go Health Pro

Reading the La Quadrature du Net II decision in context For more than a decade now, the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) has struggled with the legality of various bulk surveillance mandates imposed under European and national law. Since its 2014 judgment in Digital Rights Ireland, the CJEU has been unequivocal about … Read more

Supermassive black hole binary emits unexpected flares – Go Health Pro

Supermassive black hole binary emits unexpected flares – Go Health Pro

“In addition to stars, gas clouds can also be disrupted by SMBHs and their binaries,” they said in the same study. “The key difference is that the clouds can be comparable to or even larger than the binary separation, unlike stars, which are always much smaller. “ Looking at the results of a previous study … Read more

Far-right MP becomes unexpected supporter of undocumented footballers – Go Health Pro

Far-right MP becomes unexpected supporter of undocumented footballers – Go Health Pro

“Bravo to them, I’m proud of my boys.” Ibrahim Chakir, coach of the Combani football team, in the French overseas department of Mayotte, wanted to focus only on the state of mind of his “kids” and less on the controversy surrounding seven undocumented “key players.” Banned from traveling to France, they received unexpected support from … Read more

the transition to the unexpected (on the 35th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall) – Official Blog of UNIO – Go Health Pro

the transition to the unexpected (on the 35th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall) – Official Blog of UNIO – Go Health Pro

Rubén Díez García (Professor in the Department of Applied Sociology at the Complutense University of Madrid) The Berlin Wall, built in 1961, was more than just a physical barrier: it was a symbol that separated two worlds and competing political ideologies. This ideological division also fuelled conflict within liberal democracies themselves. On the eastern side, … Read more

A colossal asteroid once boiled the oceans. It also did the unexpected. – Go Health Pro

A colossal asteroid once boiled the oceans. It also did the unexpected. – Go Health Pro

Chaos once reigned on Earth. Huge asteroids or chunks of ancient objects once pummeled planets in the unsettled solar system, and scientists previously found evidence that a particularly monstrous object struck our planet some 3.26 billion years ago. It was 50 to 200 times the size of the dinosaur-killing asteroid. It boiled the oceans, drove … Read more
