Women are disappearing from the Bundestag – Go Health Pro

Women are disappearing from the Bundestag – Go Health Pro

Germany’s federal election on 23 February is almost certain to produce a significant decrease in the number of women in the German parliament, write Corinna Kroeber and Lena Stephan. Following the publication of candidate lists by the Federal Returning Officer, it is already foreseeable that the new Bundestag will be even more male-dominated than in … Read more

Eve Hill won a temporary restraining order on behalf of three transgender women in federal facilities, challenging the Trump administration’s Executive Order aimed to transfer them to men’s facilities and cease medical care. – Go Health Pro

Eve Hill won a temporary restraining order on behalf of three transgender women in federal facilities, challenging the Trump administration’s Executive Order aimed to transfer them to men’s facilities and cease medical care. – Go Health Pro

During a hearing in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on Feb. 4, partner Eve Hill won a temporary restraining order on behalf of three transgender women in Washington, D.C., preventing the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) from implementing the Trump administration’s executive order to move all transgender women to men’s facilities and … Read more

Eve Hill files lawsuit on behalf of three transgender women in federal facilities challenging the Trump Administration’s Executive Order threatening to move them to men’s facilities and cease medical treatment in violation of the ADA. Lawsuit alleges directives are unconstitutional, arbitrary, and capacious. – Go Health Pro

Eve Hill won a temporary restraining order on behalf of three transgender women in federal facilities, challenging the Trump administration’s Executive Order aimed to transfer them to men’s facilities and cease medical care. – Go Health Pro

Eve Hill, partner at Brown Goldstein & Levy, filed a lawsuit on behalf of three transgender women in Washington, D.C. challenging a federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) policy directed by President Trump which would override constitutional and Prison Rape Elimination Act protections for transgender women, and would terminate all medical care for gender dysphoria for … Read more

Women in cyber: Tammy Klotz’s impact (video) – Go Health Pro

Women in cyber: Tammy Klotz’s impact (video) – Go Health Pro

SC Media recognizes Tammy Klotz as one of the four Women in IT Security honorees for 2024 in the “Cyber Veterans” category. Klotz, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at Trinseo, has dedicated her career to driving transformative change in cybersecurity while championing cultural shifts that empower individuals — especially women — to succeed in this … Read more

Is the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruling on granting asylum to Afghan women an implication of qualification of gender apartheid in Afghanistan? – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro

Is the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruling on granting asylum to Afghan women an implication of qualification of gender apartheid in Afghanistan? – EJIL: Talk! – Go Health Pro


From a feminist perspective, international law has frequently failed to adequately address gender issues, primarily due to the challenges posed by a male-centric discourse reflected in its organizational and normative structure. This limitation is particularly evident in refugee law, where gender-based persecution has long struggled to gain recognition as a ground on its own for asylum. The 1951 Refugee Convention, developed in the context of post-war Europe with a limited understanding of the concept of persecution (see here and here), defines a refugee as someone fleeing their country because of a well-founded fear of persecution on grounds of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion, with gender being notably absent. This historical framework continues to hinder protections for women from Afghanistan under current refugee law, who face severe deprivation of fundamental rights and systematic discrimination. This system of oppression recently gained legal attention as ‘gender apartheid’ to distinguish the severity of the situation of women’s rights in this context (see this and this).

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