Ransomware attackers turn to workers for data breach access – Go Health Pro

Ransomware attackers turn to workers for data breach access – Go Health Pro

Everyday workers are now being pitched to turn against their employers and join ransomware attacks. Researchers with security vendor GroupSense report that, as an addendum to their normal ransomware notifications, malware operators are now pitching victims on the prospect of infecting additional machines on their company network. The offer comes as part of the notification … Read more

Eve Hill was quoted by Law360 on the uncertain future of ending lower wages for workers with disabilities. – Go Health Pro

Eve Hill was quoted by Law360 on the uncertain future of ending lower wages for workers with disabilities. – Go Health Pro

Eve Hill was quoted as a legal authority in a Law360 story about a U.S. Department of Labor proposal to eliminate the subminimum wage for workers with disabilities.  The future of the Fair Labor Standards Act’s Section 14(c) is uncertain, as Republicans remain divided on the issue. If the proposal were to pass, it would … Read more

Why the U.S. needs more community health workers – Go Health Pro

Why the U.S. needs more community health workers – Go Health Pro

Community health workers are hidden heroes of our complex health care system. Sometimes called promotores de salud, outreach workers, navigators, or peer counselors, they tie together the often-disconnected services people need to support good health. They increase a patient’s likelihood of getting much-needed primary care, while decreasing the odds of that person being rehospitalized after … Read more

How Employer Roth Contributions To Solo 401(k) Plans Reduce The QBI Deduction (And Increase Taxes) For Self-Employed Workers – Go Health Pro

How Employer Roth Contributions To Solo 401(k) Plans Reduce The QBI Deduction (And Increase Taxes) For Self-Employed Workers – Go Health Pro

Solo 401(k) plans are a popular retirement savings vehicle for self-employed business owners. One of their key features is the ability to make contributions both as an “employee” of the business and as the “employer”, i.e., the business itself. By maximizing both the employee employer contributions, solo 401(k) plan owners can often save significantly more … Read more

DOL returns to old definition of tipped workers – Go Health Pro

DOL returns to old definition of tipped workers – Go Health Pro

                On December 17, 2024, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) rescinded its regulations that attempted to limit the percentage of work time and consecutive minutes tipped employees could spend on non-tip-producing work for purposes of tip credits under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The DOL’s … Read more
