New York attorney general hits Allstate with suit over data breaches – Go Health Pro

New York attorney general hits Allstate with suit over data breaches – Go Health Pro

Insurance giant Allstate is set to face civil charges after falling victim to a pair of data breaches.New York State Attorney General Letitia James filed suit against Allstate and its affiliated companies on charges of failing to protect customer data when estimating car insurance quotes.In the suit, James alleged that Allstate and National General Insurance … Read more

Eve Hill provided legal perspective in The New York Times about possible discrimination against people with disabilities in scientific grants as a result of Trump’s executive order banning DEIA efforts. – Go Health Pro

Eve Hill provided legal perspective in The New York Times about possible discrimination against people with disabilities in scientific grants as a result of Trump’s executive order banning DEIA efforts. – Go Health Pro

Eve Hill was quoted as a legal authority in The New York Times about possible discrimination against people with disabilities in scientific research grants as a result of President Trump’s executive order. The New York Times reported that a postdoctoral researcher learned that his application for a National Institute of Health (NIH) grant, studying the … Read more

Un juez de Nueva York invoca el secreto de Estado para no revelar el espionaje de una empresa española a Assange | Internacional – Go Health Pro

Un juez de Nueva York invoca el secreto de Estado para no revelar el espionaje de una empresa española a Assange | Internacional – Go Health Pro

El juez neoyorquino John G. Koeltl ha desestimado una demanda presentada contra la CIA y David Morales, exmilitar español y dueño de la compañía que espió a Julian Assange durante su estancia en la embajada de Ecuador en Londres, invocando el secreto de Estado y por el grave daño que causaría a la seguridad de … Read more

Trump flies to the rescue of New York City mayor Eric Adams – Go Health Pro

Trump flies to the rescue of New York City mayor Eric Adams – Go Health Pro

LETTER FROM NEW YORK In American mythology, salvation comes from the Feds. We think back to Eliot Ness’s incorruptible tax inspectors in the fight against Al Capone in Chicago in the late 1920s. Or the FBI cops who, at the same time, flushed out the adventurers who married and then murdered their Native American wives … Read more

New York fines PayPal $2 million for shoddy security practices – Go Health Pro

New York fines PayPal  million for shoddy security practices – Go Health Pro

PayPal was issued a $2 million fine from the state of New York for failing to properly secure customer data. The New York state department of financial services said the seven-figure payout would be part of a settlement deal stemming from the 2022 data breach that saw some customer Social Security numbers exposed to threat … Read more
